The monthly Internet Information2U Newsletter - February Edition
The monthly Internet Information2U Newsletter - February Edition _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ M A R K E T I N G I N F O R M A T I O N This is a newsletter that will go out to the 200.000 receptions only one time each month. You received this issue of the The monthly Internet Information2U Newsletter because you one or several times has expressed your interest for the Internet opportunities or information seek. If this is wrong for you, we are sorry for the inconvenient and will ask you to go to the unsubscribe site to awoid another newsletter next month. SUBSCRIBE - UNSUBSCRIBE - __________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________ _ A WORD FROM THE EDITOR Because of restructurating we are using a temporary web site this month. The next month we will be on to our new site and domane. In this Edition there are two articles that may help you if you are still seeking to find the rigt business for you. The first article may help you if You have a web site, but still haven't figured out how to make money from your site. The seccond article decribes some terms withinn MLM that may be good to know if you are considering such business. Also browse the Weekly Marketplace section below (you may find a service or product that you need!) And take time out to write an articles for us to feature in our newsletter. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ THIS MONTLY CONTENTS 1) ARTICLE - HOW TO QUICKLY AND EASILY CREATE YOUR OWN INFORMATION PRODUCTS FOR FUN AND PROFIT 2) The readers content, the prize is an add in the next newsletter. 3) Monthly Marketplace: Exceptional Products and Services 4) Article: TERMS WITHIN MULTI LEVEL MARKETING (MLM) 5) The Newsletter's ad rates and company information If you have an informative article that you would like us to feature, please email your article to . If we use your article, a link to your web site will be featured as well. __________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________ _ ******************** A word from our sponsor ***************************** This place is free for You to buy in the next issue wisit __________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________ _ 1) ARTICLE - HOW TO QUICKLY AND EASILY CREATE YOUR OWN INFORMATION PRODUCTS FOR FUN ANDPROFIT By Terry Dean To take maximum profits away from the table in your own internet business, you must be the prime source of a hot product or service. What I am going to present to you today is one easy step-by-step system to create your own product that is 100% easier than writing a book or creating a report. Information Products are the ideal business to start if you are looking for an online business...They are easy to produce, simple to ship, and can enjoy high markups because people are not paying for the physical form the product is delivered in. They are paying for the valuable information contained within. Although most people only see reports and books when we speak of information products, I want you to see just how versatile this market can be. You could produce software, videos, audios, newsletters, secret sites, and more. The only limitations in this business are the ones you create yourself. You may say to me, "But Terry, I just don't know how to do anything that people want!" Well, I have a solution for that problem. If you have found a market that wants a product of a certain nature, contact an expert and do an interview with them...then sell that tape! (Most experts will do the tape with you right over the phone for just the cost of consulting Usually $100 - $1000). If you do have knowledge that people want (Which I highly expect is true even if you won't admit it to me)...then you can do your own audio tape course. Below I am going to give you a quick 6 step system for creating your own tapes...and then we will do a short overview on how to contact an expert and get them to do a tape with you. Step 1 - Make a list of your hobbies, interests, and problems which you can solve. Do people come to you often and ask for your advice on certain things? If so...there is a product idea! Design a product that solves their problems. Find a Problem or a Desire people have that you have overcome, and then the system you followed is the basis for your product. Do you train dogs? There's a product. Do You Build Model Airplanes? There's a product. Do You Save Money through Auctions? There's a product. Did you figure out how to set up a web site? There's a product. Do you Get Top 10 Rankings on Search Engines? There's a product. Do you write killer sales letters? There's a product. Product ideas are all around you...There are probably at least half a dozen products inside you waiting for the chance to come out! Step 2 - Research Your Targeted Market to Find Out What they are Interested in. If you plan to sell your product online, make sure there is a market for it first before you ever create the product. Visit forums and newsgroups using and and do some research. Prepare a short Questionnaire and give something away free to people who answer it for you. Corporations spend millions of dollars a year in research...but as a small home business you can do your research for free online through contacting and networking through newsgroups, forums, and mailing lists. Step 3 - Purchase the necessary equipment. You don't have to go to a studio to record your tape unless you have an unlimited budget. If you can afford a studio, it will produce a little better tape, but for most people starting out that is just another undue expense. Go down to your local Radio Shack and purchase high quality audio tapes and a dynamic microphone. A good one will probably cost you between $40 and $100...Ask one of the sales representatives to recommend a good one. If you need an adapter for your tape recorder, get one of those as well. If you don't own a double cassette deck, you will probably want to get one of those...Why? You can also dub your first couple of tape sales right there in your home and wait to send it out to a duplicator until you know for sure it is a real hot seller. Notice that you don't need expensive equipment to get started in this business...although you may upgrade later as you go on. Step 4 - Make An Outline. When you did your research in step 2, what were your potential customers interested in most? Now, create a product that gives a step-by-step training on how to overcome that problem or achieve that objective. Rack your brain and come up with steps that will take your customers to their desired solution. You have to make it simple. This is probably the most difficult part of your product...You have to boil down all of your research, your experience, and come up with a simple system people can follow to achieve their objective. Step 5 - Record your tapes. Now, shut off the phones...and set-up your little recording studio. Make a time on your schedule to do your tape or your series and stick to it...because you will probably want to procrastinate the process into oblivion. Sit down and record under 60 minutes for the tape (Note most tapes actually have 62 - 64 minutes on them). You have to be careful to stop way before the end of the tape so that there is room to record an intro or a "Please turn the tape over" message. Step 6 - Start marketing today. How much is your tape worth? You can sell an individual audio tape for $9.95 - $29.95 depending on the subject OR you can produce a series of tapes...I have seen these sell for as much as $495 if they were on the right topic. You really have to test your price. Any secretarial service can transcribe your tapes for you if you want to produce a higher priced product out of them. You do a little bit of editing to them, combine your new manual to the tapes, and you have a higher valued product to sell. This is not the only way to create information products by any means, but it is enough to get you started. Are you going to make some mistakes...YES....but you will have started in the right direction. If you follow this process, you will have your own hot product to sell online for years to come. All you have left to do is write the ad...but that is a subject for another day. Terry Dean, a 5 year veteran of Internet marketing, will Take You By The Hand and Show You Exact Results of All the Internet Marketing Techniques he tests and Uses Every Single Month" Click here to Find Out More: __________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________ _ ******************** A word from our sponsor ***************************** CONSULTING ENGINEER WITHIN ELECTRO AND EX-INSTALLATIONS We are a consulting engineer firm with special skills within electical installations in hazardious areas. The manager are educated both engineer and electrician, with high experience from the Norwegian North sea offshore installtions and oil related installations onshore. This experiance is used to arrange courses and lections to personel who need it in their proffesion. The cources can be set up as the customer want, or you can use our standard three-day cource, who have beed aproved by the Norwegian Oil Directorate, among other big companies in the marked. The cource is set up according to international standards. Wisit our sites for more inforamtion __________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________ _ 2) The readers content - We will trip out two who will get an free Inside add valued 75$ in the next Newsletter 1)Find one add that have been placed in the newsletter twice. 2)Forward this newsletter with it's content to 20 people, with a copy to, in the subject line you must type: "Take a look at this" __________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________ _ 3) Monthly Marketplace: Exceptional Products and Services **FREE SEARCH ENGINE PLACEMENT REPORT** Feeling like the invisible man? Let us show you how to get quality traffic to your Site. We offer a Package for every budget! Click on the link below for a FREE Search Engine Placement Report. Visit __________________________________________________________________________ _ Web Hosting made easy with Looking for a reliable host with lots of storage and tons of features? We offer 300mb, unmetered transfer, 200 pop3, cgi-bin free SSL, real time support, and that's just the beginning. VISIT NOW: __________________________________________________________________________ _ Exclusive offer from Save up to 15% on Hertz car rentals and become a Herts #1 Club Gold member for free (a $50 value). Use this CDP No.(1196120) for instant savings or visit our site to join. VISIT NOW: __________________________________________________________________________ _ SUPERHOST - SUPER WEB HOSTING SERVICE FOR YOUR WEB SITE Super Fast, Super Reliable! No Bandwidth Charges! Host multiple domains on your own SUPERHOST virtual server! email with your questions VISIT NOW: __________________________________________________________________________ _ ENTREPRENEUR'S DREAM HOME BUSINESS 80% Need it - 90% don't know it exists. Get paid every day! Residual income 28 year old company, traded on NYSE No true competition. Forbes Magazine's Top 200 small U.S. Companies VISIT NOW: __________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________ _ 4) ARTICLE - TERMS WITHIN MULTI LEVEL MARKETING (MLM) In this article some terms within Multi Level marketing (MLM) will be described. The first term we really need to understand is SPONSOR As a noun (my sponsor) it is the person who introduced you to the business. As a verb (I sponsored Fred) it also means to introduce someone into your networking business. COMP OR MARKETING PLAN The compensation, marketing or pay plan. This is the payment structure used by the company to allocate commissions and bonuses to their distributors. Its important to understand it as quickly as you can. Understanding equals more income! Some networkers have been known to say things like "Dont worry about the plan its complicated - just get on with the business and youll earn the money" RUBBISH! You wouldnt take a job without asking about the salary and finding out when it was paid would you? A really good question to ask here is What is the potential maximum payout? And what was the actual payout percentage last year The higher the second figure is - the more it is possible for you to earn. With most companies the percentage that can be paid out to someone at the top position on their plan is around 40-60% (that is of the wholesale product value) The actual percentage paid out overall is often less than half that! Partly because few people bother to understand the plan and so never benefit from it properly and partly for less obvious reasons which Ill cover sometime when Im feeling brave! UPLINE This is your sponsor and the people above them, that sponsored them. In most companies youll have at least 3 upline business advisors. Any of them will help you. Some of them may be more successful than others and, just on a personality level, you may get on with some better than others. It doesnt matter which ones you work with. This is networking not conventional business. Youre not going over your sponsors head - youre expected to work with more than one of your upline. In conventional business you have advisors; accountant, solicitor, bank manager - in networking you have all those too, but also at least 3 people who specialise in the networking business. They have already succeeded and they can help you to do the same. If for any reason they arent helping you - complain to the company - they are earning money on your efforts - you are entitled to their help. Theyre not psychic though so you need to contact them regularly and tell them what you need from them. DOWNLINE The people youve introduced into your business, their people and so on. Its a collective noun, like a gaggle of geese or a pride of lions you have a downline of distributors. LEG or LINE All the distributors downline of one of your frontline or first level personally sponsored distributors. A section of your business in other words. LEVEL The people you sponsor will be on your first level - the people they sponsor will be on your second level and so on. This should not be confused with a generation which is used to calculate the higher levels of bonus. B.O.M. or MEETING A Business Opportunity Meeting, goodness they were dreadful! The way that many people used to recruit for their downlines. If youve ever been dragged along to one of these boring events - take heart. Times have changed and many companies have now abandoned them. Theyve been replaced with modern tools like videos, audios, fax on demand, auto-responders on the internet, telephone conference calls and internet presentations. All of which can be viewed or listened to at a time that suits you from home -Far more civilized! STARTER PACK A kit of information and often some products that you can purchase from a company to start your business properly. Dont even think of trying to do without it - youll fail. Read more from the autor at: __________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________ _ ******************** A word from our sponsor ***************************** CONSULTING ENGINEER WITHIN ELECTRO AND EX-INSTALLATIONS We are a consulting engineer firm with special skills within electical installations in hazardious areas. The manager are educated both engineer and electrician, with high experience from the Norwegian North sea offshore installtions and oil related installations onshore. This experiance is used to arrange courses and lections to personel who need it in their proffesion. The cources can be set up as the customer want, or you can use our standard three-day cource, who have beed aproved by the Norwegian Oil Directorate, among other big companies in the marked. The cource is set up according to international standards. Wisit our sites for more inforamtion __________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________ _ 5) - The Newsletter's ad rates: Run your classified ad in one issue of montly Newsletter. If you are on a limited budget and need a quick boost in sales, this is the right package for you! It will be sent to 200.000 persons. MONTLY MARKEDPLACE - OUT TO 200.000 PEOPLE - Maximum Numbers of ad: 15 - Price: 75$ (us). - Max number of lines: 5 TOP SPONSOR POSITION - OUT TO 200.000 PEOPLE - Maximum Numbers of ad: 1 - Price: 650$ (us). - Max number of lines: 20 incl. spaces INSIDE SPONSOR POSITION - IN THE UPPER HALF - OUT TO 200.000 PEOPLE - Maximum Numbers of ad: 3 - Price: 500$ (us). - Max number of lines: 20 incl. spaces BOTTOM SPONSOR POSITION - OUT TO 200.000 PEOPLE - Maximum Numbers of ad: 3 - Price: 350$ (us). - Max number of lines: 15 incl. spaces VISIT NOW: to reserve a space for your classified ad today! Direct questions to If you have an informative article that you would like to share, please email your article to If we use your article, you will get great exposure and a link to your site. Until Next month Have a great time on the net! Editor: B. Osland __________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________ _ This is a newsletter that will go out to the 200.000 receptions only one time each a month. You received this issue of the The monthly Internet Information2U Newsletter because you one or several times has expressed your interest for the Internet opportunities or information seek. If this is wrong for you, we are sorry for the inconvenient and will ask you to go tu the unsubscribe site to awoid another newsletter next month. SUBSCRIBE - UNSUBSCRIBE - __________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________ _
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Informtion and Opoturnety Newsletter