I was able to verify Hal Finney's signed plaintext message posted here on Dec 23 with a good signature. Hal says he prepared the original plaintext with no trailing blanks. The editor I use removes trailing blanks whenever it saves text to disk. So there could have been trailing blanks in the plaintext I received (which would have spoiled the signature match) put there by ASCII uploading (of blank lines) or otherwise and I wouldn't know it. I can't really fault mailers that remove trailing blanks; they are trying to avoid consuming bandwidth with null information. I think the answer is a change to PGP to remove trailing blanks anytime -t is active. I have written to Branko to suggest this, but his response was somewhat lukewarm. Perhaps he would change his mind if he received the same suggestion from several individual PGP users. -- edgar@spectrx.saigon.com (Edgar W. Swank) SPECTROX SYSTEMS +1.408.252.1005 Silicon Valley, Ca
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