At 05:51 PM 11/28/01 -0500, Trei, Peter wrote:
EU regs forbid extraditing people to countries with lower standards of justice than practiced in the EU. Spain has already refused to extradite the Al Qeada(sp?) suspects it's arrested, unless it's guarenteed that the USG won't kill them.. Spain (like most civilized countries) has abolished the death penalty, and doesn't think highly of places which haven't.
Hey, we just sent billionaire slumlord George Argyros to Spain (suck enough republican dick and you too can have this job..), maybe *he'll* tell em how its done. Or maybe we'll have to occupy Spain, too.
Sending them to a place where they may be tried by a secret tribunal is also a regarded as a problem
What part of "Infinite Justice" did you not think was bullshit?
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Major Variola (ret)