I am currently doing market research for a client -- Company Nurse(r). They reduce your worker's compensation Insurance cost. I was interested in finding out what advantages you see for your company to use Company Nurse. I have included some basis information for your review. I would really appreciate your input :) patricia@sellingwithtechnology.com or http://www.companynurse.com/index/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Just like having your own nurse on site What the Company Nurse(r) Does!!! * Eliminates 1/3 of workers' compensation claims * Decreases the number of claims incurring disability costs by 2/3 * Decreases emergency room referrals by 80% What the Company Nurse(r) provides: Telephonic triage and first aid advice to injured employee's helps to eliminate 1/3 of potential claims. Referral to appropriate level of medical care decreases emergency room referrals by 80%. Completion of claim forms, and documentation for employers and claims administrators within minutes of the injury. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Again thank you for your Help.
participants (1)
Company Nurse