http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/newsid_1280000/1280406.stm "A Liberal Democrat MP who was slashed by a Samurai sword has called for curbs on the weapons after a second attack in his constituency." That's the second in a year, mind you. I'd write more, but I have to get downstairs and chop some carrot sticks before they take away my kitchen knives. -- Free, encrypted, secure Web-based email at www.hushmail.com

I was looking at archery sites this morning, looking for a light recurve targe bow, and hit an Australian page that also had crossbows -- was shocked to see that you need a permit to buy these "prohibited weapons" there. Doesn't take much to make a crossbow, folks. Must be those Aussies watched Mad Max movies a few times too many, eh? -- Harmon Seaver, MLIS CyberShamanix Work 920-203-9633 hseaver@cybershamanix.com Home 920-233-5820 hseaver@ameritech.net http://www.cybershamanix.com/resume.html

On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, Harmon Seaver wrote:
I was looking at archery sites this morning, looking for a light recurve targe bow, and hit an Australian page that also had crossbows -- was shocked to see that you need a permit to buy these "prohibited weapons" there. Doesn't take much to make a crossbow, folks. Must be those Aussies watched Mad Max movies a few times too many, eh?
No fed statutes on crossbows, but does anybody know how many states have permit restrictions on them? Bear

I see a notice in Cabela's catalogue that "The sale of bows and crossbows is restricted by law in the following area's: North Carolina, New Jersey, New York city and vicinity." Surprising about NC, but not the other two. Surprising also that CA isn't included. So you need a permit to buy a bow in NY? Somebody should develop a plan book of easy to make weaponry and dump a million copies on the streets of NY. We built one once with a car spring -- put a piece of re-rod through a concrete brick wall. Ray Dillinger wrote:
On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, Harmon Seaver wrote:
I was looking at archery sites this morning, looking for a light recurve targe bow, and hit an Australian page that also had crossbows -- was shocked to see that you need a permit to buy these "prohibited weapons" there. Doesn't take much to make a crossbow, folks. Must be those Aussies watched Mad Max movies a few times too many, eh?
No fed statutes on crossbows, but does anybody know how many states have permit restrictions on them?
-- Harmon Seaver, MLIS CyberShamanix Work 920-203-9633 hseaver@cybershamanix.com Home 920-233-5820 hseaver@ameritech.net http://www.cybershamanix.com/resume.html

At 03:52 PM 7/17/01 -0700, Ray Dillinger wrote:
On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, Harmon Seaver wrote:
I was looking at archery sites this morning, looking for a light recurve targe bow, and hit an Australian page that also had crossbows -- was shocked to see that you need a permit to buy these "prohibited weapons" there. Doesn't take much to make a crossbow, folks. Must be those Aussies watched Mad Max movies a few times too many, eh?
No fed statutes on crossbows, but does anybody know how many states have permit restrictions on them?
I believe Calif. has crossbow restrictions. What a surprise. No sword-canes or nunchucks, either.

David Honig wrote:
I believe Calif. has crossbow restrictions.
What a surprise.
No sword-canes or nunchucks, either.
The VERY poorly designed California Statutes site can be found at: http://leginfo.ca.gov/calaw.html Just click on "All," put your favorite weapon in the search window and search. (Try "dirk" or "snee.") S a n d y

<color><param>0100,0100,0100</param>On 17 Jul 2001, at 19:13, David Honig wrote: <color><param>7F00,0000,0000</param>> I believe Calif. has crossbow restrictions.
What a surprise.
No sword-canes or nunchucks, either.
</color>That reminds me of am interesting bit of trivia I noticed once about california's laws. There's a prhibited item called a shobi-zue, here's a clip from the law <color><param>0100,0100,0100</param><FontFamily><param>Times New Roman</param><bigger>or possesses any ballistic knife, any belt buckle knife, any lipstick case knife, any cane sword, any <bold>shobi</bold>-<bold>zue</bold>, any air gauge knife, any writing pen knife </color><FontFamily><param>Arial</param><smaller>- The only references to shobi-zue I can find are in this law! I guess the ban is completely effective. George <color><param>7F00,0000,0000</param>>
participants (6)
David Honig
Harmon Seaver
Ray Dillinger
Sandy Sandfort