2012 in review: Tor and the censorship arms race
http://44con.com/presentation/2012-in-review-tor-and-the-censorship-arms-rac... 2012 in review: Tor and the censorship arms race Presentation speakers Runa A. Sandvik New! On DVD Kazakhstan blocked Tor using Deep Packet Inspection in January 2012. China started probing Tor bridges using a system that is aimed directly at Tor, and using code that actually speaks the Tor protocol. Iran started blocking SSL connections on Valentinebs Day, in preparation for its b halalb Internet. Mobile operators in the US and the UK continue to filter and censor websites for customers. The government in the UK proposed plans for mass surveillance. Activists in Iran and Syria were targeted with malware, and the government in Kuwait proposed plans to regulate the use of social networking sites. These are some of the Internet censorship events we have seen so far in 2012, and we have only scratched the surface. In this presentation, I will talk about how the blocking is done (in terms of what signatures are filtered in Tor, and how we have gotten around the blocking in each case), and what technologies are being used to filter Internet traffic b including the use of Western technology to operate the surveillance and censorship infrastructure in the Middle East. I will cover what we have learned so far about the mindset of the censor, as well as the users being censored, and how we can measure and track the wide-scale censorship in these countries using a framework we have developed. Lastly, I will explain Torbs development plans to continue to evade censorship and enable thousands of users around the world to access a free and open Internet.
participants (1)
Eugen Leitl