Hey! I've Got A Good Idea...
[ReVisionIst RealIty gNutly gNus 09-13-01] Osama Been Bomb'in - Your Tax Dollars At Work --------------------------------------------- Precedent Bush, like all his FourFlushers in the Offal Oafish, is so concerned about the Safety of the %itizenry (EwE & Me) that he has asked for $20 Billion to Protect U$ (EwE & Me) from the Criminal Terrorist MadMen that were Trained by the CIA (using the TaxDollar$ that We (eWe & Me) were ShakenDown4 in order to Protect Us&OR&U.S. from PreviousThreats To Our Safety [e.g. Manuel Noriega] that were Created&OR&Supported by TaxDollar$ previously Squeezed from the Pulp Faction of $itizenry in order to...ad infinituuuuuummmm...). SitOnItOrs and CongressWithGoatsMen around Ameri%a ['%' Is4Swastika] are crying out for WeTheSheeple 2B to be SubjectEd to EverMore Intrusive&OR&Oppressive levels and types of Monitoring and Invasions of Privacy, in order to Protect U$ from the Terrorist MadMen that our TaxDollar$ haven't been used to Protect U$ from, thus far, even though over the last couple of decades these TM's (TerroristMadmen, not TruthMongers, nor Tim Mays, Eh?) have: a. Declared War on Ameri$a b. Said they were going to Destroy Ameri%a c. Attacked and killed Americans d. Been Elusive&OR&UnFindAble to all of our Intelligence Agencies, but not to our News Media or the Pizza Delivery Guy... e. EtAl, AdInfinitUuuhhhMmmm.... The Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, and every other Military/Security Agency down to and including Park Rangers and Parking Maids, will be crying out for MoreFunding for the Defen$e of the %itizenry (e.g. gNuClear Missles On The Moon To Deter National Park Littering Offenders ["The Best Defense Is A Good Offense"]), without mentioning that the "Attack On Ameri%a" that is Fueling the Current OutCry4BloodLustRevenge could have been prevented merely by *using* a few dozen of the bullets already included in Military and Security Budgets. Across Ameri%a, ThePeopleWhoAllowedThisTo- HappenOnTheirWatchEvenThoughTheyWereWarnedIt- WasComingByThoseWhoDidIt are JoiningTogether in their FirmResolve to PreventItFromEver- HappeningAgain by calling for MoreMoney&OR& Power to be given to ThePeopleWhoAllowedThis- ToHappenOnTheirWatch(IncludingThemSelf)Even- ThoughTheyWereWarnedItWasComingByThoseWhoDidIt. ThoseWhoAllowedThisToHappen have vowed to BombTheLivingShit out of ThoseWhoDidThisAnd- ThoseWhoHarborThem, in order to protect U$, and will be able to follow through on this promise due to the fact that THEY [TM] had SuddenlyRealizedJustWhoThesePeopleAre within Seconds after the "Attack On Ameri%a." The Role&OR&'Rolling' of the %itizenry is to Provide MoreTaxDollar$4MoreMilitaryMight to be used against those who actively show their objection to our using our Strength to Impose Our&OR&EweOr&OR&My Will upon the rest of the world by attacking U.$.&OR&EWE&OR&ME. MainStreamDream News Sources will *not* be showing footage of OurSoldiers describing their "blowing away" SomalianMothersWithBabies- InTheirArms, and questioning whether we need to take a look at *our* Role&OR&Responsibility for providing Means&OR&Motive for those who subsequently launch an "Attack On Ameri%a." TheRoyal'We' want to PlayWithGuns, but then TurnAround&ActOffended when Others - aka DastardlyCowardsUsingGunsToOpposeU$ - do so. Now THEY [TM] who Provoked ThoseWhoLaunched the "Attack On Ameri%a" (and who subsequently failed to protect U$ from them, even after numerous warnings) want us to Rally Behind THEM [TM] in MindLessLie Pursuing yet more ViolenceProvokingViolence against whoever THEY [TM] declare to be Responsible for this UnJustifiable Violence (as Opposed to, perhaps, UN-Justifiable Violence, or U$-Justifiable Violence). And GodHelp any %itizenUnit who FailsTo&OR&2 FallIntoLine with the PredictablyProgrammed National[Istic]BloodLustRevengeResponse aimed at [eWeWillSoonB*Informed*Where2DirectYourRage] by engaging in Treacherous Anti-Ameri%an Activities. e.g. - Digging into their 60's wardrobe to ReCycle the T-Shirt proclaiming: "Killing For Peace Is Like Fucking For Virginity" [EditWhore's gNote: Even as this is being written, an OffalSchill MSNBC Analyst is speaking about the "Collateral Damage" (aka Loss Of Civilian Life) that will be "inevetible" in the Ameri%an *JusticeFieAbly* Violent Response to the Affliction of Civilian Casualties upon Ameri%ans.] Only after *OUR* 'Healing Process' begins by 'Inflicting Revenge' on *THEM*, will *(e)We* be able to Calmly&OR&Objectively reflect upon such MeaningBull QuestIons as: a. How the number of Victims of the "Attack On Ameri%a" compares to the number of Agent Orange Victims of the "Attack On Our Own Soldiers." b. How many people's reaction to the Visually Violent Destruction BroadCast WorldWide was: "Wow! Cool..." and whether their numbers are great enough to justify the Immediate Creation of a new Action Movie, starring Bruce Willis, with Toy&OR&Computer/ArcadeGame tie-ins. c. Whether it is InDecent&OR&InSensitive to PointOut the OffalSchill BullShit leading to, encompassing, and following, a Genuine Tragedy where Hundreds of Heroic American People lost their lives rushing into Burning Buildings in an attempt to Rescue their fellow Humans. d. Whether, when all is Said&OR&Done, the Actions&OR&ReActions of the Ameri%an Govern- Mint and the American People will make Future Repeats of "The Attack On Ameri%a" *More*, or *Less*, likely... e. How much Freedom&OR&Liberty will be Wrested from the %itizenUnits, as a result of the "Attack On Ameri%a," in order to 'provide' an UnRealIstic 'Safety' which, according to A (.T.) Great American, has never existed, this side of the grave, and never will. ===== CJ Parker #05987-196 "Proud To Be A Felon In Ameri%a!" __________________________________________________ Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help? Donate cash, emergency relief information http://dailynews.yahoo.com/fc/US/Emergency_Information/
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CJ Parker