On Fri, 10 Sep 93 14:35:02 PDT, <uunet!netcom.com!tcmay> Timothy C. May wrote -
An investigator called this type of crime the wave of the future, and said something to the effect that "chips will be the coke of the 90s." Also talk of black markets and how computer networks are being used to coordinate things.
So, if you see folks using BlackNet for advertising Intel chips....
That's an interesting point (images of "Wild Palms" conjured). This _is_ the wave of the future, as Tim implies, and it's unfortunate that instances such as this (segway) tarnishes what it is that I think many of us are trying to espouse in the cypherpunk movement. Paul Ferguson | privacy \'pri-va-see\ n, pl, -cies; Mindbank Consulting Group | 1: the quality or state of being apart Fairfax, Virginia USA | from others 2: secrecy fergp@sytex.com | ferguson@icp.net | Privacy -- Use it or lose it.
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