FWD:RE:Increase your business sales 4737DeDi7-810eXBb0725WrcF1-077-28
There is NO stumbling on to it! The greatest way of marketing this century is undoubtedly direct e-mail. It's similar to the postman delivering a letter to your mailbox. The ability to promote your product, service, website, or MLM/network marketing opportunity to millions instantly is what advertisers have been dreaming of for over 100 years. We e-mail your one page promotion to a list of our general addresses. The greatest part is, it's completely affordable. E-MAIL MARKETING IS THE ANSWER! How do we know? We know because that's exactly what we do. It's a proven fact that you can attract new business through Direct E-mail Marketing. The profits that E-mail advertising generate are amazing! We are living proof. We are a direct E-mail internet advertising company and our clients pay us thousands of dollars a week to E-mail their products and services. We Don't want any one spending thousands on a direct email marketing campane with out testing the market to see how it works. STANDARD PRICING AND PROCEDURES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTRACTING: Our list of general Internet addreses are actually extracted from the most popular web sites on the Internet. The addresses are verified and run through our purification process. The process includes addresses run against our custom remove filter of 2,492 keywords, as well as through our 192MB remove /flamer list. The EDU, ORG, GOV, MIL, and US domains are removed, as well as other domains that asked not to receive e-mail. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EVALUATION: $350.00 (optional) One of our marketing specialists will evaluate your sales letter, and offer his/her expertise on how to make it the most successful. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- STANDARD PRICING: (Emails Delivered) Million- $700.00 per 2 Million- $600.00 per 3 Million & up- $500.00 per ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL OFFER! This introductory offer of $300.00 includes: 1. Set-Up Fee 2. Evaluation of Sales Letter 3. 500,000 e-mails delivered ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PAYMENT POLICY All services must be paid in full prior to delivery of advertisement. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE: Absolutely no pornography, chain letters or any threatening or questionable materials. If you are serious about Direct Email Marketing--Fax the following form to (602) 392-8288 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE FILL THIS FORM OUT COMPLETELY! Contact Name: _____________________________________________ Business Name: ______________________________________ Business Type: ______________________________________ # Years in Business: _________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City: ____________________ State: ______ Zip: ______________ Country: _______________ Email Address: _______________________________________________ Phone: __________________________Fax: ____________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To get out from our email database send an email to publicservice1@btamail.net.cn 1114NOyv9-833adNm2933LhHf6-371emwM2004CkwR6-523flSu1179xvzI9-784Wirw9831iLCV6-873gMl78
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