Substantially Cut Costs Increase Sales Via E Mail

I am sending you this to see if you might be interested in testing E Mail marketing for your company. Based on our experience, targeted E Mail marketing should dramatically reduce your marketing costs while simultaneously boosting your sales. (To reply by E Mail to this message or be removed from our list, Please go to the bottom of this message for an E Mail link. Please do not respond to us by hitting the "Reply" button. Our phone number is also located at the bottom of this message.) I am CEO of a software company based in Southern California. 100% of our sales are business to business, as we produce specialty software designed for business use only; primarily by manufacturers. We launched a new software product this February and so far have marketed it exclusively by E Mail to almost a quarter million companies. The response-and sales-have been tremendous, while our marketing costs have been dirt cheap; the lowest, in fact, by far of any marketing I've done in my 35 year business career, and that includes direct mail, trade magazine and specialty advertising, trade shows, outdoor and broadcast. In order to do our E Mail marketing, my staff and I had to discover how to develop E Mail lists reflecting our business customer profile, how to do the actual E Mailing without antagonizing potential buyers, how to handle leads and referrals to our Web site, how to deal with the spam issue, and the multitude of other challenges inherent in E Mail marketing. During the course of our sales effort, we have been asked by a number of companies to whom we've E Mailed our advertising if we would consider assisting them in developing their own E Mail marketing. As this response has been both unsolicited and quite strong, we have decided to offer our E Mail marketing services on a limited bases to companies which sell business to business only. If you sell products or services to other businesses, please consider the following: 1. We will either develop an ongoing E Mail marketing program for you, or consult with you to set up your own E Mail marketing division in house. 2. If we handle your campaign for you, our services will include development of your E Mail lists for you in your exact customer profile as defined by you, consultation on the creation of your advertising piece, and consultation on the handling of leads, phone calls, and web site referrals. We will also send all of your E Mails for you. Our charges for this service are twenty cents per E Mail address custom developed from your exact customer profile, and $500.00 for the actual sending of the E Mails. You will need to hire us to develop a minimum of 15,000 E Mail addresses of potential business customers for you, which brings a minimum order to $3,500 to reach 15,000 potential customers. The twenty cents per custom E Mail address is a one time charge, and it is not a list rental; we will turn the list over to you at your request. Once your list is developed, resending your list will only cost $500.00, regardless of how big your list becomes, up to 500,000 E Mail addresses. Compare that to direct mail. 3. If you would rather have us consult to set up an E Mail marketing division for you in house, our fee is $15,000.00. This includes specific recommendations, consultation and training on all procedures to develop custom E Mail lists and required software, consultation and training on all procedures to verify E Mail address and required software, consultation and training on all procedures to set up for and the handling of removes and required software, the set up for and the handling of leads, set up of a secure Web site, and all technical set up, bandwidth and software required for the actual E Mailing itself. You would also receive our proprietary software developed for the handling of E Mail lists, tracking promotions sent, handling removes and dead E Mail addresses, and the tracking of criteria used to develop each E Mail address. I would be pleased to discuss this further with you. If you are interested, please just give me a call at (661) 286-0041. Thank you. Wayne McFarland Chief Executive Officer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent in compliance of the new e-mail bill: SECTION 301. Per Section 301, Paragraph (a)(2)(C) of S. 1618, To REPLY, if you have questions about our services and wish to respond by E Mail, please click on the E Mail address following and enter "Inquiry" in the subject line. REPLYS please click here: To be REMOVED from our mailing list, please click on the E Mail address following and enter "Remove" in the subject line. REMOVES please click here: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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