With the unfortunate recent forced demise of the penet.fi remailer, The Cypherpunks remailers now seem to be the only holdouts. So where do we go from here? Is anyone feeling intimidated yet? Chael Hall has implemented an "--ignore--" kill line in his remailer, which I have verified works. I wish you other remailer operators (except Miron Cuperman) would adopt that hack into your own remailers. You also might help Chael integrate PGP into his remailer; he says he's having problems. Another feature I've asked for is ability to post to newsgroups through the remailers. With the demise of penet.fi, this becomes more urgent. I've been told that one can post anonymously by using Cypherpunks remailers in conjunction with a non-anonymous e-mail server newsgroup poster like ucbvax.berkeley.edu. The instructions I've received say to Send to, e.g., sci-crypt@ucbvax.berkeley.edu to post to sci.crypt. But what about newsgroups which contain dashes in the name, such as "rec.video.cable-tv"; how does one encode the ucbvax address for those. Anyone who knows, please post or send e-mail. But adding code to the current remailers to post instead of mail by using say, :: Request-Reposting-To: [newsgroup] should be pretty easy, shouldn't it?? -- edgar@spectrx.saigon.com (Edgar W. Swank) SPECTROX SYSTEMS +1.408.252.1005 Silicon Valley, Ca
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