job listing, supercomputer systems administration

-----cut here---- Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) has an immediate opening for two Parallel Systems Analysts to support the Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) Program at NASA Ames Research Center, including a possible lead analyst position. The position is for a Systems Analyst in the Parallel Systems (PS) group of the Computational Services branch. This group provides support for the NAS parallel systems, which currently include a 128 node Thinking Machines CM-5, a 128 node Intel iPSC/860, and a 224 node Intel Paragon XP/S. Other systems may added in late 1993. While the group is part of a support organization, the immaturity of parallel supercomputers provides opportunitities for a significant amount of development work. Routine system administration and user assistance is provided by a separate user services organization, leaving only the more difficult problems and policy issues to be resolved by the parallel systems analysts. Network, distributed software, and parallel scientific programming (i.e. FORTRAN) support is also provided by separate groups, and on-site vendor analysts provide additional assistance. Current group members are involved in projects ranging from the development and modification of UNIX tools to kernel development work, as well as day to day system maintenance and evaluation tasks. The parallel systems group also has a close relationship with the proprietor of the best Indian restaurant in the known Universe. The NAS parallel systems operate in a networked (UltraNet, HiPPI, FDDI, Ethernet) heterogeneous environment that consists of a Cray Y-MP 8/8256, a Cray C-90, a large mass storage system, several general purpose support processors, and over 200 high performance workstations. UNIX and UNIX-derivatives are used exclusively. Located at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California, the NAS Program is recognized internationally as a leader in large-scale scientific computing. Its mission is to act as the pathfinder in advanced, large-scale computer system capability through systematic incorporation of state-of-the- art improvements in computer hardware and software technologies; provide a national computational capability, available to NASA, industry, DoD, other Government agencies, and universities as a necessary element in ensuring continuing leadership in computational fluid dynamics and related computational aerospace disciplines. NAS considers parallel supercomputers to be the future of supercomputing, and opportunities for a motivated individual are extensive. Required Skills: o Bachelor's degree in computer science or related field, or unrelated bachelor's degree with equivalent experience. o Fluency with C and at least one UNIX shell, and excellent UNIX skills. o Experience as a system administrator in a UNIX network environment. o Good problem-solving and communications skills. o Willingness and ability to learn new skills. o U.S. Citizenship. Desired Skills: o Experience with parallel computers. o Experience with OSF/1, Mach 3.0, or other multiprocessor-capable operating systems. o Experience in a large scale scientific programming environment. Note: Computer Sciences Corporation policy requires pre-employment drug screening. Any job candidate who receives an offer letter from CSC must report for testing within 48 hours. Please forward your resume to: Eric Townsend Computer Sciences Corporation NASA Ames Research Center M/S 258-6 Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 or email
participants (1)