CDR: SF Bay Cypherpunks, 9/9/00, E-Dome, Santa Cruz Mountains

SF Bay Area Cypherpunks September 2000 Physical Meeting Announcement General Info: DATE: Saturday Sept 11 2000 TIME: 12:00 - 6:00 PM (Pacific Time) PLACE: Eric Messick's Dome, Santa Cruz Mountains Agenda This is a low-key meeting at Eric's home in the mountains, beginning about 1pm. ~12 -Bring lunch, undo geographical delocalization, admire mountain roads and wildlife. Carpooling would be a good idea, given limited parking. ~1 - Admire the E-Dome, Hugh's Lab and the Copper-Insulated Wall, socialize, discuss Burning Man, Plan RSA Patent-expiration party ** - Eric Blossom's Starium Bump-in-the-wire Cryptophone demo - They're finally here, 3DES and everything. ** - Bill Scannell's trip to Ascension Island - An alternate landing site for the space shuttle, Ascension island is forbidden turf, occupied by NASA, NSA, and several other American spook agencies. ** - Hugh Daniel - IPSEC and FreeS/WAN update and demo. As usual, this is an open public meeting on US soil. Please leave the US soil outside :-) RSA has released the RSA patent to the public domain two weeks early, so bring code! There will still be a party around 9/20-9/23. Whit Diffie and Dave Del Torto will speak at an EFF meeting Mon 9/11 7:30pm at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport in Burlingame. Details will be posted soon. Location Most of the online maps provide unreliable directions, so use the attached. I find the drive takes about 30 minutes from Mountain View or 15-20 from the 280/17 intersection except during heavy traffic; parking is country roads and dirt driveways. Postscript Map to Eric's House - for printing <a href="">Map</a> % Human readable text directions to the E-Dome: % % Eric Messick or ||ugh Daniel % 15139 Old Ranch Road % Los Gatos, California, 95030-8506 % Latitude 37 08' 02", Longitude 121 59' 40" % % eric_&_messages(+1 408 353 4751) % % From San Jose, take Highway 17 south from Interstate 280 or Highway 85. % From Santa Cruz, take Highway 17 North from Highway 1. % Exit Highway 17 at Summit Road and head west, in both directions that's % a right off the highway and left onto Summit Road. % Follow Summit Road past two streets on the left until Summit makes a hard % right turn at the third street, you want to turn left from Summit Road onto % Hutchinson Road which is more like going straight (in the day time be VERY % carful making this 'blind to oncoming traffic' turn!). % Follow Hutchinson until just after Riva Ridge Road veers up on the left % and you see a long group of black mailboxes on the right, make an acute % right turn here from Hutchinson Road onto Old Ranch Road. % At the first curve/split of Old Ranch road you want to stay right when the % road splits, (there is a "SLOW 10 SPEED LIMIT" sign at the fork; keep % to the right of this sign). % Follow the drive down the hill until it flattens out and the trees thin % out above you, you should see the top of the E-Dome on your left, our % driveway is the next left. % % Distance table: % South on 17 from Interstate 280 to Summit Road 15.0mi / 21.0km % South on 17 from Highway 85 to Summit Road 10.0mi / 14.0km? % North on 17 from Highway 1 to Summit Road 12.5mi / 17.5km % Then: % West on Summit from Highway 17 to Hutchinson Road 00.5mi / 00.7km % West on Hutchinson Road from Summit Road to Old Ranch Road 00.2mi / 00.3km % Hutchinson Road down Old Ranch Road to our driveway 00.4mi / 00.6km % % % Schematic ASCII map to the E-Dome: % % this way to San Jose % | . % | |\ % |S |H | % Old |u |W | N % Ranch |m |Y | o % Road |m | | r % | */ |i |1 | t % |__/ |t |7 | h % /. | | % ------++--+--+-+--+-=-------------- % Hutchinson Road / | Summit Road % / | % Riva Ridge Road | % |1 % |7 % | % this way to Santa Cruz % -/_| Road % + Road Intersection % = Overpass % . Line of mail boxes % * E-Dome % If you have questions, comment or agenda requests, please contact the meeting organizer: Bill Stewart Cell +1-415-307-7119 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This announcement has been sent to the meetingpunks and cypherpunks lists. To UNSUBSCRIBE an address from the meetingpunks list send email to: with "unsubscribe meetingpunks [optional-address]" in the BODY. To SUBSCRIBE an address to this list send email to: with "subscribe meetingpunks [optional-address]" in the BODY. To contact the list-owner, send email to --------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the cypherpunks list, look at the mail headers, find which of the servers sent you the message, and send mail to cypherpunks-request at that server saying "help". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks! Bill Bill Stewart, PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF 3C85 B884 0ABE 4639
participants (1)
Bill Stewart