Dear Mr. Seaver: The mayor invites you to come forward with proof to support your allegations of kickbacks at city hall, as posted on your website. http://www.oshkoshbygosh.org You surely can attend the next Common Council meeting, which begins at 6PM on Tuesday, June 12, 2001, in Room 406 of City Hall, 215 Church Avenue. There is a portion near the meeting's end, entitled Citizen Statements, during which time you have ample opportunity to substantiate your claims. Otherwise, if you do not have such proof, you ought to consult with legal counsel to determine what appropriate retractions should be published. You might be aware that defamation of character, also known as libel, can result in civil lawsuits against the defamer. In addition, you may wish to ask about unauthorized use of portions of the City of Oshkosh website. Please do not misinterpret this as an effort to stifle appropriate public discussion about municipal issues. Valid, public opinions ought not lead one into legal trouble unless intended to do so. Thank you very much, Warren P. Kraft City Attorney's Office 215 Church Ave P. O. Box 1130 Oshkosh WI 54903-1130 (920) 236-5115 fax: 920-236-5090 PS Just so there is no misunderstanding, I do not consent to your publication of these comments in any fashion other than during a consultation with your legal counsel, should you so choose. Feel free to contact me directly about any questions you may have in these areas. -----Original Message----- From: Dell'Antonia, Jon Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 4:35 PM To: Kraft, Warren P. Subject: FW: City Tree Rapers You need to take a look at this guys web site. I think he has gone to far and I would like for you to "nail him to the cross" if you can. My issue is with his comments of kickbacks at city hall. This is a serious charge and he should either come forward with proof,and we should take appropriate action, or have to put out a retraction on his site. That is what I would like you to go after him about. It is one thing for him to blow off steam with his opinions, but this is a specific charge of illegal doings and I do not think we should let him get away with it. I think it is "put up or shut up" time. If you would like to discuss what we can do or we need a session on it, then lets have it. -----Original Message----- From: cityboy@cybershamanix.com To: mharris@ci.oshkosh.wi.us Cc: mbloechl@ci.oshkosh.wi.us; jdellantonia@ci.oshkosh.wi.us; shintz@ci.oshkosh.wi.us Sent: 6/6/01 2:45 PM Subject: City Tree Rapers http://www.oshkoshbygosh.org --------------A03F01E7232A6AC2F02E8425--
participants (1)
Kraft, Warren P.