DOJ press conf on DNA analysis
TUESDAY, JULY 31, 2001 (202) 514-2007 ATTORNEY GENERAL ASHCROFT TO HOLD NEWS CONFERENCE REGARDING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DNA ANALYSIS BACKLOG ELIMINATION ACT OF 2000 WASHINGTON, D.C.-- Attorney General John Ashcroft will hold a news conference regarding the implementation of the DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of 2000 TOMORROW, Wednesday, August 1st, at 12:15 p.m. in the Attorney General's conference room on the fifth floor at Main Justice. A background briefing conducted by Department staff will follow in the Public Affairs conference room on the first floor. TIME: 12:15 p.m., TOMORROW, August 1st EVENT: Attorney General News Conference PLACE: Main Justice 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Attorney General's Conference Room Reporters interested in attending the press conference should enter the Department through the 950 entrance on Pennsylvania Avenue, between 9th and 10th Streets, NW, no earlier than 11:15 a.m. ###
participants (1)
Declan McCullagh