Operation soft drill has a pool of 2$ on richard Armitage.He's suddenly MIA and some quad anon has made a prediction that he's dead.No evidence is presented yet the predictor says they have proof.Is this a set up? Will the great white porker reappear? His 'dad' says he's just gone drinking at the Buda-bing. The proof of death problem.A prediction is made yet the deaths in dispute.To save paying on the installment plan a trusted agent might be hired by predictor, The agent has to provide security to the designated pool authority. Also some locating and identifying identification that stays in remailing motion for several years as insurance. Regular sting and drug tests to avoid corruption,also cross country support where ever possible aiming for zero knowledge.Something better than the LAPD lab's required.The trusted agent would have to provide state of the art forensic coroners,skills inc DNA as that would be the gold standard.www.yourdead.com is an extraneous layer to the most simple and optimal KISS solution,yet its one that has other uses in a world more concerned with human rights,crimes against humanity and accountability technology every day. f0(x) = a0 +a1 x+ <+ am-1 xm-1 is the polynomial over GF(q) is constructed, and the evidence of death,dna sequence generally, is a0. From the beginning, each user has a point (xi, f0(xi)) with xi 9 0. For the first key refreshment, a new polynomial f1 is constructed from f0. More generally, for the kth key refreshment, a polynomial fk+1 is constructed from fk. The polynomial fk+1 is equal to fk + gk, where gk is a random (m-1)-degree polynomial with gk(0) = 0. After each key refreshment the secret is unchanged, but user i's new secret share is (xi, fk+1(xi)) = (xi, fk(xi) + gk(xi)). An adversary who knows less than m current secret shares at any particular time knows nothing about the evidence.Thanks to RSA for the maths.Kill the president.proffr1@elf
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