To All Cybercitizens, The official launching date for our global broadcast: 1 November, 2000 is supposed to be a celebration marking the completion of Global Media Network. But as you're well aware, the reported break and enter, theft and other crimes committed by the City of Vancouver police which, if unchecked, have the potential to destroy human civilization. We offer our service as an impartial, fair, unbiased media. Our media network possess the power to illuminate the far corners of the globe, not for higher profits, but for higher understanding between the people of this great planet. We are proud that our media network, as its name implies, has the ability to reach every corner of the earth. We offer our declaration of principles to the men and the women, to our every brothers and sisters in the planet whom we humbly serve. We promise to report the news without fear or favor, to be a force for good in this world, fighting injustice, crushing intolerance, battling inhumanity, striking a blow for freedom at every turn. These are the goals of Global Media Network. Join us and visit our official web site at http://www.geocities.com/movehand44 Global Media Network proudly presents REVIEW OF ONE OF THE TOP NEWS OF THIS MILLENNIUM:- BURGLAR WATCH-A STATE OF WIDESPREAD STINK, OPPORTUNISTIC & RAMPANT THIEVERY, PLAQUE, CHAOS, BARBARISM AND LAWLESS-A GLOBAL REPORT OF BREAK & ENTER, THEFT, TREPASS, FRAUD, FABRICATION AND COLLUSION CONSPIRED BY VANCOUVER POLICE ENACTMENT OF THE INCIDENTS [DETAILS PROVIDED BY THE VICTIM]: On 6 June, 94. the victim went out at 2:30 p.m. from his apartment. When he gone back at 2:37 p.m. he discovered that both his apartment and his bedroom were broken and entered. He discovered that his newly bought hi-fi components (bought at A & B Sound) and forty CDs (costed CAD$2,000) were stolen from his bedroom. When he reported the crimes to the police woman badge # 9082, who admitted the fact of surveillance two years afterwards in 1996, she behaved very arrogant. She purposely hanged up the phone several times in order to aggravate him. Being alerted of constant harassment, out of suspicion, in 21 September, 96, at 6:00 p.m., the victim confirmed with the same police woman badge # 9082 via 911 that the Vancouver police had placed the audio and video surveillance devices inside his apartment. She refused to remove them and asked him to remove them. The Vancouver police were very familiar with the environment inside the apartment. In other words, the Vancouver police specificially targeted at the victim's properties that were located at his bedroom and knew exactly when the residents inside left the apartment. When the residents left the apartment on 6 June 1994, at 2:30 p.m., the Vancouver police sneaked into his apartment, stolen his properties and left within a minutes. In July, 96, he called the Vancouver police in 320 Main Street, Vancouver, a male police who had sneaky remarks (about twenty something years old, caucasian) lied that the former chief constable Ray Canuel was in Atlanta, Georgia so that he could not handle the complaint. Afterwards, he sent a letter to Ray Canuel (deceased of cancer) in the same month without hearing any response. He then presented the complaint in person directly to the assistant to Ray Canuel. The assistant deceived him that the Vancouver police wouldl respond to his complaint three weeks later. The complaint aroused the police's revenge. Two polices without search and arrest warrant trespassed his apartment in Feb., 97. One caucasian police opened his complaint letter which was originally sealed without his consent and he was falsely arrested by the two polices. One of the police were a Chinese who were about 5"6, 160 lb., black and short hair. Another police were a caucasian who were about 6"2, gray and long hair whir covered his trim, gray-blue eyes, about 220 lb.. Both polices were thirty something years old. The latter one misrepresented and called himself as former Chief Constable Ray Canuel (deceased). The two polices committed trespass and false arrest. The fact that Vancouver police are morally corruptive makes no difference to his efforts. When the victim filed the complaint through other formal channels three years afterward, i.e. 1999, he received a fabricated letter from Sergeant Mike Bernard, Office of the Chief Constable, Internal Investigation Section, Vancouver Police Department dated 20 May, 99, falsifyinging that police badge #581 Dave Turpin, Tony Zanatta had conducted the investigations. Indeed, they never contacted him nor take any report. Given the Vancouver police are coercive that they collude with every party the victim seeks help from or affiliates with. When the victim booked an appointment with a security company, APC Security in Burnaby, B.C., to do a further sweep on his apartment, the Vancouver police colluded with the company not to show up at the appointment on 26 July, 99. Similar circumstances happened for Brian Brown & Associates INC, owner: Brian; operator: Laurie. Ph. (604) 2912121. The Vancouver police colluded with Brian and solicited him to defraud the victim debugging fees. During the appointment, Brian pretended in front of the victim that he was an outsider. Brian spent most of the time looking at the manuel. Most of all, Brian failed to provide a receipt upon request. Besides, on 6 Aug., 99, the Vancouver police called the property manager of Crosby Property Management Ltd. to follow him when he walked to the garden. The property manager purposely aggravated him and tried to fight with him. The property manager asked him to complain to the management (instead of the police complaint authorities) so that they can cover up the conspiracies.... Extreme and harsh measures must be deployed to curb these police crimes, brutalities and abuse. Getting the attention of legistative representatives is the first powerful step. The existing Canadian civil rights are not extensive enough to protect law abiding elements of the society. Additional chapters must be provided that detailly outlines whatever civil and criminal penalties that would incur to police(s) who commits crimes/ infringes rights of legal abiding citizens. Who could ask for more?! It is amazing what Vancouver tax payers will patronize. Vancouver polices are not what "civilians" meant to be. It is terribly sad to see that these people are called "law enforcement officials." The law of Canada is well established. It is, when really enforced, great! Bluntly, Vancouver polices were not even qualified as "servants", regarding them as "dogs" was done just as a courtesy. They are what can be found in garbage depot, sorry excuse for these people who are calling themselves "civil servants"! In contrast, there are several cities in North America, e.g. New York (during the 11th Sept. horror attacks), where good examples of the real "civilians" can be found. Any feedback can be addressed to Chief Constable Terry Blythe of Vancouver Police Department at vpdlmail@vpd.city.vancouver.bc.ca. By the way, please join our global action together with ALL media and ALL political leaders ALL over the world that have received our attention. Global Media Network 1448 Fir White Rock, V4B 4B4 info@globalmedianetwork.org
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