Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia
On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 05:48:59PM -0400, Jimmy Wales wrote:
All I'm saying is that Tor could segregate users easily enough into two clouds: "We sorta trust these ones, more or less, a little bit, but no guarantees" -- "We don't trust these ones, we don't know them".
This would be very difficult to do using the existing Tor design as it doesn't know anything about users or sessions. It lives at the TCP layer and all it does is shift packets from one IP address to another, giving some privacy to both ends. Adding higher layer functionality to Tor increases the chance that it will do neither job well, so here is a proposal which I think does what you want, but avoids this problem. The goal is to increase the cost for a Tor user to commit abuse on Wikipedia. It doesn't need to be full-proof, but just enough to make them go elsewhere. Wikipedia could require Tor users to log in before making edits, and ban accounts if they do something bad. However the cost of creating new accounts is not very high. The goal of this proposal is to impose a cost on creating accounts which can be used though Tor. Non-Tor access works as normal and the cost can be small, just enough to reduce the incentive of abuse. Suppose Wikipedia allowed Tor users to only read articles and create accounts, but not able to change anything. The Tor user then goes to a different website, call it the "puzzle server". Here the Tor user does some work, perhaps does a hashcash computation[1] or solves a CAPTCHA[2], then enters the solution along with their new Wikipedia username. The puzzle server (which may be run by Wikipedia or Tor volunteers), records the fact that someone has solved a puzzle along with the username entered. The puzzle server doesn't need the Wikipedia password as there is no reason for someone to do work for another person's account. Now when that Tor user logs into their Wikipedia account to edit something, the Wikipedia server asks the puzzle server whether this account has ever solved a puzzle. If it has, the user can make the edit, if not then the user is told to go to the puzzle server first. This check can be very simple - just an HTTP request to the puzzle server specifying the Wikipedia username, which returns "yes" vs "no", or "200" vs "403". For performance reasons this can be cached locally. There is no cryptography here, and I don't think it is needed, but it can be added without much difficulty. If the Tor user starts committing abuse, his account is cancelled. The puzzle server doesn't need to be told about this, as Wikipedia will not let that user make any edits. The reason this approach avoids the usual problems with proof-of-work schemes[3] is that good Tor users only have to solve the puzzle once, just after they create the account. Bad Tor users will need to solve another puzzle every time they are caught and had their account cancelled. So my question to Jimbo is: what type of puzzle do you think would be enough to reduce abuse through Tor to a manageable level? The difficulty of the puzzle can be tuned over time but what would be necessary for Wikipedia to try this out? Hope this helps, Steven Murdoch. [1] [2] [3] "Proof-of-Work" Proves Not to Work by Ben Laurie and Richard Clayton: -- w: ----- End forwarded message ----- -- Eugen* Leitl <a href="">leitl</a> ______________________________________________________________ ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820 8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A 7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had a name of signature.asc]
participants (1)
Steven J. Murdoch