Seems she's got a background of association with ecoterrorism. http://instapundit.blogspot.com/2001_11_04_instapundit_archive.html#6855693 ******* Glenn's above URL says:
NANCY ODEN UPDATE: Turns out there's good reason for Nancy Oden to be suspected of terrorist links -- ecoterrorist links, that is. See this item from the Bangor Daily News, pointed out to me by reader Paul Zrimsek. Oden denied any linkage with the ecoterrorism in question, but in a very bin Ladenesque "I didn't do it but I approve" kind of way. Given that ecoterrorism is, in fact, the most prevalent and widespread form of domestic terrorism, and has continued since 9/11, her presence on a watch list doesn't seem especially unreasonable in light of heightened security concerns and fears (though probably wrong) that the anthrax mailings were masterminded by domestic groups, and her presence on such a list is likely to be on that basis, and unlikely to have anything to do with the Green Party's positions on Afghanistan.
participants (1)
Glenn Reynolds