It now appears to be a suicide, or _very_ subtle wetwork indeed! No surprise that Blair would like the Kelly tragedy put to rest. After all, much of the government has Kelly's blood on their hands (figuratively speaking). Oh how they were hoping that it was suicide, so that the truth is beside the point. There are now many facts that Blair and the US warmongers would like to have laid to rest. Then again, what is a little murder after you have unleashed devastating war on the world. ;-\ Regards, proclus -- Visit proclus realm! -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GMU/S d+@ s: a+ C++++ UBOULI++++$ P+ L+++(++++) E--- W++ N- !o K- w--- !O M++@ V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+++(+) 5+++ X+ R tv-(--)@ b !DI D- G e++++ h--- r+++ y++++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ [demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type APPLICATION/pgp-signature]
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