Let'em all eat cake. On Wed, 21 Apr 93 14:46:55 -0700, <uunet!netcom.com!tcmay> Timothy C. May wrote - TM> Crypto Activism and Respectability, or, Should We Become TM> "Suits"? In a word: No. The name is fine (Cypherpunks), and the attitude is great. There are plenty of us who do wear ties on a daily basis and have our hearts in the right place. ;-) Thanks for the sanity check. You've got my support. Now if we can "Win the hearts and minds" of the public and change the venue of our own Stalinistic government... BTW, who (off-hand) knows the fax number of the G. Gordon Liddy show at WJFK in Washington? I have this fax I need for him to see .... Cheers. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.2 mQCNAiuk0/8AAAEEALqlLc+x9lmgiJCRSpu/aPhQdi0hMjwiGlN2B/GJQqgZPhTb pR+u5/blGogqT+WwcXZ2XfEdIV19FrJY4BXGGn4+4TjdVN3XuuCHuueoygBAmOQD IloU6SJuDqJa0kFA5X/i/1ELn86I5+8A4Hx88FiYJIVUBR6SApRLcZSdHMBNAAUR tB9QYXVsIEZlcmd1c29uIDxmZXJncEBzeXRleC5jb20+ =0Kua -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Paul Ferguson | Uncle Sam wants to read Network Integration Consultant | your e-mail... Centreville, Virginia USA | Just say "NO" to the Clipper fergp@sytex.com | Chip...
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