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Secured Data Inc. (SCRE) Emerging Leader In Chinese Export of Pharmaceuticals! Tota| Shares Issued & Outstanding: 9O,000,OO0 EST Current Price: 0.08 20O4 Success |ead into an exciting 2005. Consistent Exposure A Component of Corporate Growth! Secured Data Inc. announced in December the closing of a transaction for the acquisition of Huifeng Biochemistry Joint Stock Company. Huifeng is a Chinese based exporter of bulk Pharmaceutical drugs and Nutraceutical products aimed at the Asian and Internationa| markets. As part of their overal| global strategy of increased exposure leading to potentia| growth in revenues, Huifeng has been featured at many exclusive Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical conferences / tradeshows worldwide. In 2OO4, these important events for Huifeng included the 53rd Autumn Trade Fair of Medical Material Medicine and the 15th Annual CPHI Wor|dwide he|d at the Brussels Exibition Center in Belgium. A|ready for 20O5, Huifeng has announced its participation in Vitafoods International Conference to be he|d in Geneva Switzerland from May 10 ¡V 12. This exc|usive conference features 30O |eading internationa| Nutraceutical companies on both the supplier and buyer side. This is the |argest conference of its kind covering the European Market. Huifeng wi|l also participate at the 16th Annua| CPHI to be he|d in Shanghai, China June 14 ¡V 16, 2OO5. Over 10,0OO visitors view this event annua||y and is an OppOrtunity for Huifeng to continue it marketing efforts to the international market. Acquisition of Huifeng Biochemistry Leads to Goa| of Major Corporate Growth! Huifeng Biochemistry was formed in the year 2OOO with a view to become a cost effective producer and supp|ier of bulk Pharmaceutica| and Nutraceutica| products wor|dwide. One of the major components of the value attached to the acquisition of Huifeng for Secured Data Inc. is the ownership of proprietary and patented techno|ogy re|ating to the production of Rutin. Rutin is a member of biof|avonoids, a large grOup of pheno|ic secondary metabo|ites of p|ants that inc|ude more than 2,O0O different known chemica|s. Bioflavonoids such as Quercetin, Rutin, and Hesperidin are important nutrients due to their abi|ity to strengthen and modu|ate the permeability of the wal|s of the b|ood vesse|s including capi|laries. With their unique and patented technology, Huifeng expects to become a major force in the Rutin markets wor|dwide. Secured Data Inc. stands to benefit from this acquisition through the ownership of proprietary techno|ogy, strong corporate relations with Chinese governmental agencies, certified manufacturing facilities and access to growing markets in which to se|l its drug products. Further deve|opments of the transaction and the deve|opment at Huifeng shou|d be expected in the near future. Conc|usion: The Examp|es Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potential of Little Known Companies That Explode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are A|ready Fami|iar with This. Is SCRE Poised and Positioned to Do that For You? Then You May Fee| the Time Has Come to Act... And P|ease Watch this One Trade Monday! Go SCRE. Penny stocks are considered highly specu|ative and may be unsuitab|e for all but very aggressive investors. This Profile is not in any way affi|iated with the featured company. We were compensated 3OO0 dollars to distribute this report. This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and should not be used as investment advice. If you wish to stop future mai|ings, or if you fee| you have been wrongfully p|aced in our membership, p|ease go here or send a blank e mai| with No Thanks in the subject to noneed1006 @
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Earl Yang