CDR: Re: Mac created the modern Internet (was RE: I created the "Al Gore created the Internet" story)

For cypherpunks, net-thinkers is a list Vinnie started a looong time ago, with a bunch of, heh, hoary old mac-internet pioneers :-) on it, including Adam Engst. Clearly Adam means to quote Lucky, in the message forwarded below, and not me. Adam's right, obviously, and I'm proof. When I first got to cypherpunks, in May 1994, it was with a SLIP feed from The Internet Access Company (TIAC), in the Boston suburb of Bedford, using the first(?) edition of Adam's book, which Vinnie made me buy from Quantum Books in Cambridge. I was TIAC customer 640 or so, and they sold me a mostly flat rate (I never used all the hours they charged me a flat rate for) for a static IP address on their backbone. Or what became their backbone, anyway, as I remember an excited customer support person telling me so in a very excited voice some 3 years later when they had about 50,000 customers or so. TIAC has since merged up, but I don't remember who to, as by that time I was long gone... Cheers, RAH --- begin forwarded text
participants (1)
R. A. Hettinga