More mail format flames [was Re: Poe puzzle solved after 150 year s]

You'd have a point, except. 1. Bob's entire letter is 5822 bytes; the original page, even without the URL and mail headers, is 8453, for a saving of 32%. Still, I'd have prefered that Bob had edited it more carefully, or just given the first few paragraphs and a link. 2. <=6k isn't all that much - the complaints against your practice were started by a message many times as long as this. 3. Bob posted the text, not an attachment. requiring extra processing to view. Generally, I'd like people to post only enough for me to know whether or not I want to see the whole message, I can then go through appropriate anonymizers if needed to see the whole message. You tend to publish only a subject line, a URL, and THE ENTIRE PAGE as an attachment. I just sorted my unarchived cpunk's messages by size. (the collection goes back to the beginning of May, and has 8060 messages. I delete obvious spam). Of the 20 largest messages, you posted 13, including all of the 6 largest. Others on the bandwidth hog list include anonymous, Bill Payne (twice), Bob, A. Oellermann, Roy Silvernail, and Declan. Peter
---------- From: Jim Choate[] [...] Talk about a double-standard... [...] The Armadillo Group ,::////;::-. James Choate [...] On Thu, 30 Nov 2000, R. A. Hettinga wrote:,2107,500285318-500450084-502935 451-0,00.html
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Code breakers believe Poe puzzle solved after 150 years
participants (1)
Trei, Peter