Greetings, We are closing the cypherpunks@ssz.com address to non-subscriber submissions. Actual subscriptions will remain open and unregulated. We have provided an alternate email address for specific submissions where sender anonymity is to be preserved, cpunks-anon@ssz.com. The list traffic will remain otherwise unmoderated and will mirror any and all traffic on the CDR backbone. These changes take place immediately. There were two basic reasons for this: 1. My thesis that any community will fractionate into 'tribes' that will preserve their particular 'view' of 'reality' has been demonstrated. This provides yet another point to the contrary for the validity of Crypto-Anarcho-Capitalistic-Libertarian (CACL) societal claims. The various policies of processes of the current nodes stands on primary evidence to the 'tribalization' tendency of human psychology. 2. I no long see a positive reason to leave the submissions open without consideration. The load on my time and system simply no longer justify such effort in light of #1. Don't worry, the SSZ CDR isn't going away...And we intend to continue to kick CACL butt! -- -- ravage@ssz.com jchoate@open-forge.com www.ssz.com www.open-forge.com
participants (1)
Jim Choate