Re: e voting (receipts, votebuying, brinworld)

Major Variola (ret) ( wrote on 2003-11-25:
Vinny the Votebuyer pays you if you send a picture of your face adjacent to the committed receipt, even if you can't touch it.
* Voter locks in choice on touch screen. * Paper receipt is printed and shown to voter. * Voter chooses 'great' -> receipt disappears into ballot box Voter chooses 'nope' -> receipt disappears into trash bin / can be taken home as a souvenir.
Since the voting booth is private, no one can see you do this, even if it were made illegal. (And since phones can store images, jamming the transmission at the booth doesn't work.)
You send your picture from the cellphone that took it, along with a paypal account number as a text message.
The intention behind requiring receipts is not to get totally secure voting, but to get oting that is not much more insecure than the current paper process. I assume the 'take pic, show later' attack is also possible against the current system.
participants (1)