(fwd) Perfectly secure voice communication

Path: netcom.com!netcomsv!decwrl!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!cs.utexas.edu!tamsun.tamu.edu!zeus.tamu.edu!nmrjock From: nmrjock@zeus.tamu.edu (SKLOSS, TIMOTHY WILLIAM) Newsgroups: alt.privacy Subject: Perfectly secure voice communication Date: 20 Jul 1993 14:03 CDT Organization: Texas A&M University, Academic Computing Services Lines: 14 Distribution: usa Message-ID: <20JUL199314035274@zeus.tamu.edu> NNTP-Posting-Host: zeus.tamu.edu News-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.41 For anyone interested, i know of a company that sell (until it's illegal) a computer package that enables the user to communicate over normal phone lines with complete (and i mean it) security. it runs on a 386 or higher with a sounblaster card. The encryption is up to triple DES encoding with user programmed keys (no record kept and no back doors for Big Brother or anyone else to use). It would take serious effort by the NSA and all of their supercomputers to decode a single transmission (assuming they could come up with a 'hook', something this program is incapable of transmitting). Inquire to: SVC Inc. P.O. Box 9512 College Station, TX 77842
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