skyfall, sheepdip, fanshit

Declan writes in ",2100,47510,00.html" "Just what did the FBI mean by inserting the word "skyfall" into a description of a press release? Was it a reference to the 1970s-era disaster novel entitled Skyfall, or a hint that the bureau was remembering the children's tale in which Chicken Little warned of calamity -- but was not believed? " It could also be a code word they inserted to as a clandestine communication. You know, WWII "if you're really with the Brits, have the BBC newlady say 'foosball' on tonight's show" Anyway, 'skyfall' will be replaced with 'sheepdip' soon...

Why beat around the Bush, the purpose of the press release was to hype Bush's press conference tonight. Somebody at the FBI was annoyed at having to cook up a dramatic press release about nothing purely for show. Skyfall's a kissing cousin of Carnivore, that is to say, if you don't get that these names are used to embarrass upstairs assholes you don't deserve to know the truth. It's like the FBI affidavit on the key logging system (KLS) in the Scarfo case where a senior official is trucked in to swear to something he knows little about in order to convince the judge that withholding information is necessary. The official's subordinates LTAO at the turkey's gobbling the facts. "Skyfall" like Carnivore, like KLS, like Infinite Justice, tells a truth of bureacracies indeed all large organizations, say, like the City of New York, that the titular leaders know only to puke in the prime minister's lap when Sushied.
participants (2)
Dynamite Bob
John Young