Who wants to be a millionaire

Bin laden demolitions has authorised me to offer you a once in a lifetime deal. 1million dollars untracable digital cash will be paid to an account/s of your choice for enough intelligence to proceed with further superpower implosions. Insider info preffered but not essential,leave packet online in freenet transient node...

mattd wrote:
Bin laden demolitions has authorised me to offer you a once in a lifetime deal. 1million dollars untracable digital cash will be paid to an account/s of your choice for enough intelligence to proceed with further superpower implosions. Insider info preffered but not essential,leave packet online in freenet transient node...
Is there any way to solve this transaction problem without a mutually-trusted third party? If BLD and the information supplier each trusted that the other actually possessed and was providing the information desired by the other, they could do a one-bit-at-a-time exchange. If the transaction were "legitimate", they could do an ordinary transfer with legal recourse if one party cheated. If they were able to find a third party they both trusted, he could examine both sides' materials and release them if both were satisfactory. Meeting face to face would be dangerous for both parties, but more so for the information supplier. But say the information supplier didn't really support the goals of BLD, but just wanted the money. He wouldn't trust the same kinds of people and institutions that BLD would. There used to be amoral bankers who would act as middlemen, no questions asked, but I get the impression they're pretty much all shut down. Assuming that the two parties were not able to find anyone they both trusted, and couldn't rely on the rule of law to punish dishonesty, and didn't want to meet face-to-face, how could the supplier and BLD conduct a mutually-secure transaction? Steve Furlong -- Steve Furlong Computer Condottiere Have GNU, Will Travel 617-670-3793 "Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly while bad people will find a way around the laws." -- Plato

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 on Thu, Oct 04, 2001 at 10:11:36AM -0400, Steve Furlong (sfurlong@acmenet.net) wrote:
mattd wrote:
Bin laden demolitions has authorised me to offer you a once in a lifetime deal. 1 million dollars untracable digital cash will be paid to an account/s of your choice for enough intelligence to proceed with further superpower implosions. Insider info preffered but not essential,leave packet online in freenet transient node...
Is there any way to solve this transaction problem without a mutually-trusted third party?
Jim Bell's Assasination Protocol: http://zolatimes.com/v2.26/jimbell.htm Peace - -- Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com> http://kmself.home.netcom.com/ What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand? Home of the brave http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ Land of the free Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA! http://www.freesklyarov.org Geek for Hire http://kmself.home.netcom.com/resume.html -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE7w4S2OEeIn1XyubARAjeMAJ0RG7yXgUcCSnupfRB07StkKr51VACeK8Ui 8WqYMAqCfUTPqjKCaDBgVa0= =jEqg -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- [demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]

On Tue, 9 Oct 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote:
Is there any way to solve this transaction problem without a mutually-trusted third party?
Jim Bell's Assasination Protocol:
Oh, the irony. -MW-

On Tuesday, October 9, 2001, at 04:14 PM, Karsten M. Self wrote:
on Thu, Oct 04, 2001 at 10:11:36AM -0400, Steve Furlong (sfurlong@acmenet.net) wrote:
mattd wrote:
Bin laden demolitions has authorised me to offer you a once in a lifetime deal. 1 million dollars untracable digital cash will be paid to an account/s of your choice for enough intelligence to proceed with further superpower implosions. Insider info preffered but not essential,leave packet online in freenet transient node...
Is there any way to solve this transaction problem without a mutually-trusted third party?
Jim Bell's Assasination Protocol:
You do a disservice to crypto and our group by implying, even in a backhanded way, that Bell's "AP" system was or is in any way feasible. Where's the true untraceable cash needed? Please explain. --Tim May

on Tue, Oct 09, 2001 at 06:51:41PM -0700, Tim May (tcmay@got.net) wrote:
On Tuesday, October 9, 2001, at 04:14 PM, Karsten M. Self wrote:
on Thu, Oct 04, 2001 at 10:11:36AM -0400, Steve Furlong (sfurlong@acmenet.net) wrote:
Is there any way to solve this transaction problem without a mutually-trusted third party?
Jim Bell's Assasination Protocol:
You do a disservice to crypto and our group by implying, even in a backhanded way, that Bell's "AP" system was or is in any way feasible.
Naw. I'm just one of the dilettants posting here out of ignorance for some free research on the part of the rest of you.
Where's the true untraceable cash needed?
Who needs untraceable anonymity when throwaway pseudonymous accounts should suffice? Peace. -- Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com> http://kmself.home.netcom.com/ What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand? Home of the brave http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ Land of the free Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA! http://www.freesklyarov.org Geek for Hire http://kmself.home.netcom.com/resume.html [demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]

On Tuesday, October 9, 2001, at 08:27 PM, Karsten M. Self wrote:
I'm just one of the dilettants posting here out of ignorance for some free research on the part of the rest of you.
Where's the true untraceable cash needed?
Who needs untraceable anonymity when throwaway pseudonymous accounts should suffice?
No comment needed. P L O N K I noted with interest the arrival of this "Karsten M. Self," who seemed to have an opinion on everything. As the weeks have gone by, I have seen nothing substantive. Now he cheerfully admits to total ignorance. Time to send him to the cornfield.
--Tim May, Citizen-unit of of the once free United States " The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. "--Thomas Jefferson, 1787
participants (5)
Karsten M. Self
Meyer Wolfsheim
Steve Furlong
Tim May