House votes 339-79 to approve USA Act v2.0 "anti-terror" bill

You can tell how your congresscritter voted on the unsuccessful attempt to send back to to committee -- a good idea -- which failed 73-345: The 339-79 final roll call vote to approve the USA Act v2.0: Text of USA Act v2.0: Background on debate: ---,2100,47549,00.html House Endorses Snoop Bill By Declan McCullagh ( 2:00 a.m. Oct. 13, 2001 PDT WASHINGTON -- The House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly Friday afternoon to hand unprecedented surveillance powers to police. Just hours after the Senate approved its version of the anti-terrorism bill, House legislators followed suit by voting 339-79 to ease limits on wiretapping and Internet monitoring. The big difference: The House attached an expiration date to the "USA Act" (PDF). The wiretap sections expire in December 2004 -- unless the president decides it is in the "national interest" to extend them until December 2006. During the five-hour debate, legislators complained that House leaders had forced a vote before anyone had a chance to review the 175-page bill. Early in the morning, top House Republicans met privately and abruptly agreed to use the Senate's anti-terrorism bill instead of a more moderate one that their colleagues had expected. Democrats were the most strident critics of that decision. Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts) said: "What we have today is an outrageous procedure: A bill, drafted by a handful of people in secret, comes to us without a committee review and immune to amendment." Frank was talking about a rule handed down from GOP leaders on Friday morning that banned any changes to the USA Act before the vote. [...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice. Declan McCullagh's photographs are at To subscribe to Politech: This message is archived at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- End forwarded message -----

On Saturday, October 13, 2001, at 07:37 AM, Declan McCullagh wrote:,2100,47549,00.html
House Endorses Snoop Bill By Declan McCullagh ( 2:00 a.m. Oct. 13, 2001 PDT Democrats were the most strident critics of that decision. Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts) said: "What we have today is an outrageous procedure: A bill, drafted by a handful of people in secret, comes to us without a committee review and immune to amendment."
But this is the way the best police states are established: quickly, out of the light of day, and with muted dissent. It's what many of my friends have been hoping for. Only a complete fascist takeover can trigger the eventual collapse. --Tim May "You don't expect governments to obey the law because of some higher moral development. You expect them to obey the law because they know that if they don't, those who aren't shot will be hanged." - -Michael Shirley
participants (2)
Declan McCullagh
Tim May