FC: White House draft plan wants new Internet role for Feds
I'm going to try to put part of the report online before I leave in about five hours for the Internet Law and Policy Forum conference in Seattle. (I'm speaking on Wednesday and will be in Seattle through Saturday.) See: http://www.ilpf.org/conference2002/ I don't have a great way to scan in and OCR large documents, so I may post efax files and ask for a volunteer to OCR 'em. -Declan --- http://news.com.com/2100-1023-958159.html?tag=politech White House preps cybersecurity plan By Declan McCullagh September 16, 2002, 6:58 PM PT WASHINGTON--The White House's cyberspace security plan, scheduled to be released Wednesday, envisions a broad new role for the federal government in maintaining Internet security. While couching many concepts as mere suggestions, a draft of the plan seen by CNET News.com says the government should improve the security of key Internet protocols and spend tens of millions of dollars on centers to recognize and respond to "cyber attacks." [...] It says the executive branch should consult with privacy groups and attempt to preserve civil liberties, but concludes that in some cases, privacy could be limited. "Allowing completely anonymous communications on a wide-scale basis, with no possibility of determining the source, could shelter criminal, or even terrorist communications," the draft says. [...]
participants (1)
Declan McCullagh