Re: Security & Personal Communications
Receiving a ZixMail message is simple: You get a regular e-mail message in which there is a link to a secure (SSL) web page. From there, if you've never used ZixMail before, you set up a key for yourself by adding your e-mail address and a password to the database. (Any e-mail address will do, but be aware that your "key" will be linked to that particular e-mail address from now on you can't use another e-mail address for sending or receiving ZixMail without going
Jim Choate <> pointed out: through this setup again.)
(Get this:)
ZixIt quietly generates a key for you and stores it on their server for future use.
(Both halves? Zap. End program.)
Now you can go read and respond to the encrypted e-mail from your friend or colleague at the ZixMail web site. That e-mail can be responded to, back and forth, for an unlimited period of time you cannot, however, generate a new piece of e-mail (unrelated, to another person) unless you download the software and run it yourself.
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