Is the content of the book available somewhere? Copyright notwithstanding? It's mostly academic since I don't drive schnockered but don't the consequences of refusal to take a field test vary from state to state? I always had the (possibly mistaken) impression in NY that refusal = guilty or at least hauled off to hospital for a blood test. I've no idea what things are like in CA. I like the part about staying in the car and not opening the window so he can't stick his sniffer flashlight in your face. Does that vary from state to state also? I guess the bottom line is that I resent the unconstitutional (fascist supreme court decisions aside) roadblocks and loosening of the 4th for automobile searches and preferred the old days when erratic driving was the prerequisite for a stop. Not that that couldn't be created out of whole cloth too but at least the wholesale stopping was not the norm. Mike
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