A good time for the Next Boston area Cypherpunks meeting would be the second saturday of July--july 10, at 6 PM EDT. At least that would be good for me, and easy to remember since it's the canonical time... -fnerd quote me
I'm probably going to be out of town that weekend, so I can't organize things.. If someone else wants to organize, feel free. Otherwise, I can probably work on organizing the weekend after for this month, assuming people have things they want to talk about and can generate a meeting agenda. I havent had an agenda, which is why I havent called a meeting since the last one in April. Also, I've been busy on my Thesis. ;-) -derek
The weekend after the 10th (the 17th) would also be better for me. Has Derek or anybody else still got the email addresses of the people who attended last time? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Breton pbreton@cs.umb.edu PGP key by finger ====================== ==================================================
I'll be out of town for IETF. Since I'll be attending a DigiCash technical presentation (by David Chaum) and a new "Internet Mercantile Protocols" BOF session, I think I'll have something to offer the group :-) I return on the 18th. But my mother's birthday is the next weekend. Damn. I hate scheduling. Maybe we should just have an August meeting, too :-) Is anybody else here going to IETF? I'd like to meet up with anyone who is. Marc
On Thu, 1 Jul 1993, FutureNerd Steve Witham wrote:
Not a good time for me -- I'll be out of town... Any Saturday from 7/24 on is ok w/ me. Eric ===================================================================== ejf@world.std.com <eric fogleman> 1 Concord Sq #4, Boston, MA 02118
participants (5)
Derek Atkins
Eric J Fogleman
Marc Horowitz
Peter Breton