Peter Shipley points out that PGP messages are labelled with an identifier of the person they are sent to. This hurts the anonymity of the messages somewhat. What PGP actually puts in the cleartext message header is the "Key ID" of the recipient. This is the low-order 64 bits of the RSA modulus "n" of his key. (PGP displays only the low-order 24 bits when it shows key ID's, but it keeps 64 bits internally.) I understand that there was some discussion during the development of PGP 2.0 of having a mode where this wouldn't be done. One possibility would be to output a key ID of all zeros for a message which wanted to hide who it was for. Then, as Peter suggests, it would either be trial-decrypted by all of the secret keys you have, or, more simply, it would just try your "default" secret key. Most people only have one secret key so both methods would be the same in most cases. Doing it the second way would be a pretty easy patch to PGP. I'm not so sure now that this feature is that helpful. First, you don't have to put your real name in the "user name" field. You could use a pseudonym. So you really don't have to give much information away about yourself the way it is now. Also, if someone is sending a message to you using encrypting remailers, they would encrypt it using your key, add remailing instructions for the last remailer in the chain, encrypt that using that remailer's keys, add remailing instructions for the next-to-last remailer, encrypt it again, and so on. (This would be done automatically by some future software - you wouldn't want to do this by hand!) The result is that the mail you send does not expose the key ID of your recipient. That information is only revealed when it comes out of the last remailer in the chain. And by that time, it's no secret, since that last remailer is using the true email address of the recipient anyway. So it's not giving anything away. For the other kind of anonymous messaging, where you just post to a newsgroup or use some other kind of "broadcast" system, the key ID is revealed and for this case it might be better to hide it. But, the key ID can be useful in this application by letting you know which messages you should decrypt. No one has to know that a particular key ID is "you". You can still download 1000 messages and only read yours without anyone knowing which ones you read. But with key ID hidden you would have to decrypt them all to see which are yours. Do you want to decrypt all 1000? This will take minutes, hours, or days, depending on your key size and computer speed. (Most of the decrypt time is spent doing the RSA step, at least for most messages, and you can't tell if it's for you without doing that step.) This still might be a good idea, but I'm not sure... Hal Finney
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