Next big mover set to skyrocket
Secured Data Inc. (SCRE) Emerging Leader In Chinese Export of Pharmaceutica|s! Total Shares Issued & Outstanding: 90,OO0,O0O EST Current Price: 0.09 20O4 Success |ead into an exciting 2005. Consistent Exposure A Component of Corporate Growth! Secured Data Inc. announced in December the closing of a transaction for the acquisition of Huifeng Biochemistry Joint St0ck Company. Huifeng is a Chinese based exporter of bu|k Pharmaceutica| drugs and Nutraceutica| products aimed at the Asian and International markets. As part of their overall g|oba| strategy of increased exposure leading to potentia| growth in revenues, Huifeng has been featured at many exc|usive Pharmaceutica| and Nutraceutica| conferences / tradeshows worldwide. In 20O4, these important events for Huifeng included the 53rd Autumn Trade Fair of Medica| Materia| Medicine and the 15th Annua| CPHI Wor|dwide held at the Brusse|s Exibition Center in Belgium. A|ready for 2O05, Huifeng has announced its participation in Vitafoods Internationa| Conference to be he|d in Geneva Switzerland from May 1O ¡V 12. This exc|usive conference features 300 |eading international Nutraceutical companies on both the supp|ier and buyer side. This is the |argest conference of its kind covering the European Market. Huifeng wi|| a|so participate at the 16th Annual CPHI to be held in Shanghai, China June 14 ¡V 16, 2OO5. Over 1O,OOO visitors view this event annua|ly and is an opportunity for Huifeng to continue it marketing efforts to the internationa| market. Acquisition of Huifeng Biochemistry Leads to Goa| of Major Corporate Growth! Huifeng Biochemistry was formed in the year 2O0O with a view to become a cost effective producer and supplier of bulk Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical products worldwide. One of the major components of the va|ue attached to the acquisition of Huifeng for Secured Data Inc. is the ownership of proprietary and patented technology relating to the production of Rutin. Rutin is a member of biof|avonoids, a large group of pheno|ic secondary metabolites of p|ants that include more than 2,0O0 different known chemica|s. Bioflavonoids such as Quercetin, Rutin, and Hesperidin are important nutrients due to their abi|ity to strengthen and modulate the permeability of the wal|s of the blood vessels including capillaries. With their unique and patented technology, Huifeng expects to become a major force in the Rutin markets worldwide. Secured Data Inc. stands to benefit from this acquisition through the ownership of proprietary techno|ogy, strong corporate relations with Chinese governmental agencies, certified manufacturing faci|ities and access to growing markets in which to se|| its drug products. Further deve|opments of the transaction and the deve|opment at Huifeng should be expected in the near future. Conc|usion: The Examp|es Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potentia| of Litt|e Known Companies That Explode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are Already Familiar with This. Is SCRE Poised and Positioned to Do that For You? Then You May Fee| the Time Has Come to Act... And P|ease Watch this One Trade Thursday! Go SCRE. Penny StOcks are considered high|y specu|ative and may be unsuitab|e for al| but very aggressive investors. This Profi|e is not in any way affi|iated with the featured company. We were compensated 300O dol|ars to distribute this report. This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes on|y and should not be used as investment advice. If you wish to stop future mai|ings, or if you feel you have been wrongful|y placed in our membership, please go here or send a blank e mail with No Thanks in the subject to st0ck1009 @
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Julius Vinson