Re: [CI] Re: Turing thesis(Incompleteness theorom)

hi, thank you Mr. Jim,one more query, regarding Godel's incompleteness theorom. with reference to " G�del asks for the program and the circuit design of the UTM. The program may be complicated, but it can only be finitely long. Call the program P(UTM) for Program of the Universal Truth Machine. " we know that there are unprovable and provable statements and there is no way to distinguish all solvabe problems from unsolvable ones as you said below.
Also have can we distinguish between provable and unprovable statements.
That is an unsolvable problem if you are looking for a general approach to -any- statement, that -is- Godel's.
In godel's theorom,above mentioned,it says circuit design and programme must be finitely long. Is that necessary?we can't say for sure,right?Isn't it an unprovable statement which is made or more likely an assumption. if we say other wise,why has the programme to be finite? Thank you very much. Regards Data. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs
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