Welcome to myplay, Joe! Now that you've opened a free myplay Locker, you can listen to your music anytime, anywhere. Your Locker lets you store, organize, share, and play your digital music collection anywhere you connect to the web -- it's easy, it's powerful, and it's free. So start now and make the most of all that myplay has to offer. ==PLAYERS=================================================== Get a player, if you don't have one yet. It's easy to do, and there are many different free players available online. We'll give you a hand - visit the "Players" section of myplay Help. http://p01.com/t.d?ykIg7oiV=myplay/mp/help/help.jsp ==FREE MUSIC================================================ We've sent some free tracks with this email, just so you can see how easy it is to add music to your Locker. Just click on the link (or copy and paste the URL into your browser, enter your username and password, (if required) and the music is yours! And get more free music from our partners - you can load tracks right into your Locker. Visit RollingStone.com, DownbeatJazz.com. Boston.com, Emusic.com, or Tunes.com. Find the music you want, click on the + button, enter your user name and password, and it's yours! http://p01.com/t.d?tkIg7oiV=/www.rollingstone.com http://p01.com/t.d?2EIg7oiV=/www.downbeatjazz.com http://p01.com/t.d?nkIg7oiV=/mp3.boston.com http://p01.com/t.d?gEIg7oiV=/www.emusic.com http://p01.com/t.d?nEIg7oiV=/www.tunes.com ==LISTENING TO MUSIC======================================== http://p01.com/t.d?mkIg7oiV=myplay/mp/ac/soundcheck.jsp_0ac=2&ac=2 http://p01.com/t.d?4EIg7oiV=myplay/mp/listing/playlist.jsp http://p01.com/t.d?2kIg7oiV=myplay/mp/mix/mix_2edit.jsp ==EMAIL UPDATES============================================= Get email updates with more free music and Concert Alerts for your area! http://p01.com/t.d?zEIg7oiV=myplay/mp/settings/email.jsp ==HELP====================================================== Get help from the experts, anytime. Email your questions, problems, or comments to customercare@myplay.com. Enjoy! Doug Camplejohn & David Pakman myplay co-founders == FREE MUSIC FROM MYPLAY=============================== Copy these tracks to your Locker and listen as long as you like. 1.Jimmy Page & The Black Crowes, "Oh Well" Live at the Greek! Rock 'n' roll doesn't get any more exciting than this. http://p01.com/t.d?tkIg7oiV=myplay/mp/locker/addTrack.jsp_0tid=162708&tid=162711 2.Confrontation Camp, "Brake the Law" Objects in the Mirror are Closer than They Appear A powerful blend of metal and rap that'll make you think. http://p01.com/t.d?9kIg7oiV=myplay/mp/locker/addTrack.jsp_0tid=2988714&tid=2989434 3.311, "Large in the Margin" Soundsystem Rap and rock fusion straight out of Omaha. http://p01.com/t.d?7EIg7oiV=myplay/mp/locker/addTrack.jsp_0tid=3012852&tid=3012732 ----------------------------------------------------- You've received this message because you're registered with myplay. If you'd rather not receive our e-mails, click on the link below, or copy and paste it into your browser: http://p01.com/t.d?_kIg7oiV=myplay/mp/settings/ext/unsubscribe.jsp_0xemail=cypherpunks@ssz.com&xuvk=4331769&xuvm=10 If you have received this message in error and did not sign up for a myplay Locker, please send an e-mail to customercare@myplay.com and we'll take care of it.
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