This hit to Cryptome today must be the rapid response to Ashcroft's openly sicking the FBI on the net: is an FBI domain, though its use is not limited to that agency. Our posting aerial views of nuclear submarine bases is probably what led to this tip, but the surveillance may be more wide-ranging. DoJ/FBI has been grabbing all of the views which are taken from MapQuest and TerraServer. But all the bases featured are eagerly downloading the appreciation too. NSA and CIA have stepped up their visits. And their foreign emulators. As hearings begin on the uneyeballed wonderlands.
On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 12:40:19PM -0700, John Young wrote:
This hit to Cryptome today must be the rapid response to Ashcroft's openly sicking the FBI on the net: has disappeared, and doesn't know about it, or, or anything similiar, anymore. -- New GPG Key issued (old key expired): pub 1024D/2D7A04F5 2002-05-16 Tom Vogt <> Key fingerprint = C731 64D1 4BCF 4C20 48A4 29B2 BF01 9FA1 2D7A 04F5
True, the referrer could be a spoof, indeed, reads more like a spoof than the real thing which used to be partially camouflaged, except so did Bush, Ashcroft and company before 9/11, well, before the Florida and Supreme Court assault on the assaulting enemies of the state. Now bald-faced teeth baring, uh, Carnivore, seems silly compared to outright indiscriminate chomping like locusts. "We're at war," the locusts chew and puke into the global terrorism database. Seaching for WMD targets, inventing them.
A follow up on the LEO hit of Cryptome on 4 June 2002 referred from Here's the LEO website: Activities described on this site appear to contradict recent congressional testimony by the FBI director and SA Rowley about the bureau's Internet ineptitude and out-of-date telecomm capabilities. Thanks to SC for the LEO pointer, who also writes: ----- Just thought I'd follow up on the referer hit from I scanned the subnet from on up to The dns name for is -- probably the gateway which Genuity government ISP has set up to route traffic to and from the LEO system. Genuity appear to have quite the e-government business going. Your tax dollars at work. All of the "security" which the FBI talks about on its LEO page is probably just them throwing money at Genuity's rebranding of out-of-the-box VPN stuff from Alcatel and Nortel. VPNs and complex passwords and a special email server so their jokes don't get lost -- what will they think of next we are left asking. An expensive lame-net for people who think they're working if they click around on their computer screen between meetings with software vendors. The lame commentary from the FBI suit on the LEO page would tend to confirm this. Sounds like the bureacrats everywhere who feel that they are doing their job if they are spending money justifying their job title. -----
participants (2)
John Young