Re: Stu Baker on CALEA and the Net

At 03:48 PM 10/18/2001 -0700, Declan McCullagh <> wrote:
"FBI requires ISPs to permit easy surveillance; EFF founder agrees"
"Stu Baker replies to Politech post on ISPs and EFF founder"
From: "Baker, Stewart" <> To: "''" <>, cc: "Albertazzie, Sally" <> Subject: RE: FBI requires ISPs to permit easy surveillance; EFF founder ag rees Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 14:52:52 -0400 Declan, I guess I ought to know what Mitch said and didn't say at this event. In fact, I took Mitch's remarks as an olive branch and an invitation to more civil discourse now that we have a keener sense of how much unites rather than divides us. He didn't say he was willing to abandon principle for expediency. He did say that he defines himself as many things, and civil liberties advocate is (just) one of them. He also said he is open to reconsidering his views in the aftermath of September 11. Well, who isn't? Only an ideologue would refuse to reconsider his views in the light of new data (or would accuse those who do of abandoning principles for expediency). But in fact, Mitch held up the civil!
liberties end of the discussion with dignity and moderation, offering a determined argument against national id cards, for example. Stewart Baker
Anyone who has given this subject much consideration knows that today's threats are not new and were already incorporated into informed views before September 11. No new threat has been identified, only fairly well known threats have been acted upon. No credible reasons for reconsideration of the balance of security vs. civil rights have been presented only propaganda. It is only the dereliction of our news media and government officials which has made the situation seem new to many citizens. Too bad military standards of justice aren't applied to all government employees.
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