ZKS .signature ads? (was: Re: online copy of Vinge's True Names)

obvious@beta.freedom.net wrote: ...
Obvious. ________________________________________________________________________ Total Internet Privacy -- get your Freedom Nym at http://www.freedom.net
Those using mydejacluelessmail.com to send messages through the public remailer network can use "cutmarks" to remove the irritating "Sign up For MyDejaCluelessmail" footers from their messages which a) are obnoxious and b) can leak information. Why is there such a tag at the bottom of *your* note? Is this a default .signature that you just chose not to remove/alter? Or is it inserted courtesy of Freedom without the option to omit? If the latter, my loathing of Freedom has just increased substantially -- pay $50 for some crummy nyms and then be forced to carry ZKS advertising to boot? No thank you.
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