Re: Questions about PGP 2.2 compilation messages
Nickey, I recently compiled _pgp2.1_ on my sun4 and had a similar problem... I got a binary that seemed to work, but I got a list of warnings. In my case, the program actually had a bug in it; it was trying to compare an unsigned character variable (8 bits) for maximum path length to 256 (nine bits) as defined in the source code. I asked around on the list and I got the same sort of responses you did... I ended up redefining and changing the compare statement to make the compiler happy and still get the intended code... So, pgp may not be entirely bug free... The sun4 compiler may be more conscientious about flagging things. I'd suggest looking through the source to see if there's something simple. In my case, it was. Let me know how you fare; I'll be going through the same thing shortly... Eric Fogleman
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Eric Fogleman