[Mycolleagues] (Fwd) Call for Papers and Workshops: 4th

International Conference on Global E-Security (ICGeS08) Apologize for cross posting 4th International Conference on Global E-Security (ICGeS408) 23-25 June 2008 London, England http://www.uel.ac.uk/icges The conference proceedings will be published as a volume of LNCS series from Springer. Following the successful, ICGeS-07 in April 2007, we have much pleasure in announcing the 4th International Conference on Global E-Security (ICGeS-08). The Annual International Conference on Global e-Security (ICGeS) is an established platform in which security issues can be examined from several global perspectives through dialogue between academics, students, government representatives, chief executives, security professonals, and research scientists from the United Kingdom and from around the globe. ICGeS provides an ideal and unique venue for researchers and practitioners to engage in debate on variuos security related issues, including the measures governments must take to protect the security of information on the Internet, the implications of cyber- crime in large corporations and individuals, and how cyber-crime can be addressed. The widespread use of the Internet has created a global platform for the exchange of ideas, goods and services; the benefits of which are enormous. However, it has also created boundless opportunities for cyber-crime. As an increasing number of large organisations and individuals use the Internet and its satelite mobile technologies, they are increasingly vulnerable to cyber-crime threats. It is therefore paramount that the security industry raise its game to combat these threats. This is an issue of global importance as law enforcement agencies all over the world are struggling to cope. This conference aims to attract an International audience to provide a forum for the dissemination of research accomplishments and promote interaction and collaboration between the researchers and practitioners in the security field; to meet and discuss current and future e-security needs and issues. Refereed full papers will be considered for publication in the new international Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, IJESDF published by Inderscience, http://www.inderscience.com. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:- 7eGovernments, eEurope/European Directives, mGovernment 7Information security 7Computer forensics 7Anti-forensics 7Computer risks & their assessment 7Hidden data 7Criminal data mining 7Computational immunology 7Cybercrime detection and analysis 7Network security 7Criminal network analysis 7Attack pattern recognition 7Strategic Approaches to Security 7Security in Mobile Platforms 7Authentication authorisations 7Internet security and web security 7E-commerce/ ebusiness security issues 7Security Policies and Procedures 7Cyber Legislation 7Cyber War 7Digital Cities 7Security Requirements Engineering 7Cryptographic Algorithms & Protocols 7Software agents/Artificial intelligence The committee is particularly interested in hearing about relevant case studies and "best practise" on any of the above. Workshops There are 7 workshops at this years conference these are; * Cyber criminology * VoIP * Bioinformatics and DNA * Biometrics * IT Governance * Integration, convergenece and transparency for networks and systems for security operations * Wireless Security Paper Submission: Authors should submit a paper in English of about 8 A4 pages, up to 5000 words. The program committee will review all papers and the contact author of each paper will be notified of the result, by email. Submitted papers have to be original, containing new and original results and should clearly indicate the nature of its technical/scientific contribution, and the problems, domains or environments to which it is applicable. The paper must be carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling. Authors should upload their paper/s at ICGeS-08 Submission Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper at the conference. All papers will be "blind" peer reviewed by at least two independent referees. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings that will be published and distributed during the conference. The camera- ready version is limited to 8 (eight) pages for full papers and 4 (four) pages for poster presentations. Authors are invited to submit their electronic soft-copy of the paper inMS Words format. Authors Instructions in a form of sample page is available in PDF-format and in MS-Word format . Refereed full papers will be considered for publication in the International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics Important Dates: Full Paper and Poster Submission 15th February 2008 Workshop Submission 15th February 2008 Author Notification 6th March 2008 Final Camera-Ready Submission and Registration 26th March 2008 Conference 23/24/25 June 2008 General Chair: DrHamid Jahankhani, (University of East London) Senior Programme Committee: * Dr Kenneth Revett, University of Westminster, UK * Prof Dieter Gollmann, TU Hamburg, Germany * Dr Sirgio Tenreiro de Magalhces, Universidade Catslica Portuguesa, Braga, Portugal * Prof John McEachen, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA * Dr Vasilios Zorkadis, Directorate of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority , Greece * Dr Ivan Flechais, Oxford University, UK Regular Programme Committee: * Dr Paul Smith, University of East London, UK * Prof Florin Gorunescu, University of Medicin and Pharmacy of Craiova, Romania * Dr Daniel J. Bilar, Wellesley College, MA, USA * Prof Colin Pattinson, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK * ProfNizametting Aydin, Bahcesehir University Istanbul, Turkey * Dr Keith Miller, University of Illinois, USA * Dr Luis Gouveia Borges, Fernando Pessoa Universidad, Portugal * Dr David Preston, University of East London, UK * Dr Haralambos Mouratidis, University of East London, UK * Dr Hossein Jahankhani, University of East London, UK * Dr Dimitris Rigas, University of Bradford, UK * Dr Manolis Christodoulakis, University of East London, UK * Dr Antonio Mana Gomez, University of Malaga, Spain * Mr Elias Pimenidis, University of East London, UK * Dr Luis Manuel Borges Gouveia, University Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal * Dr Nora Sanchez , ITESM CEM , Mexico * Dr Michael Weiss, Carleton University , Ottawa, Canada * Prof Abdel-badeeh M. Salem, Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt * Dr James Kadirire, Anglia Ruskin University, UK * Dr Paolo Giorgini, University of Trento, Italy * Prof Henrique M.D. Santos, Universidade do Minho, Portugal * Dr Tom Karygiannis, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA * Prof Dominic Palmer-Brown, University of East London, UK * Dr Reza Sahandi, Bournemouth University , UK * Professor Fabio Martinelli, Istituto per le Applicazioni Telematiche (CNR/ITT), Italy * Prof Sanayei, Middle East Export and Marketing Research Institution, Univerity of Isfahan, Iran * Prof Pierangela Samarati, University of Milan, Italy * Mr Vernon Poole, Sapphire Technologies Ltd, UK * Mr David Lilburn Watson, Forensic Computing Ltd, UK * Dr Jan J|r iens, The Open University, UK * Dr Gianluigi Me, University of Rome "Tor Vergata, Italy Finance Chair: * Dr Paul Smith, (University of East London) ICGeS Secretariat: * Ms Karren Huff, (University of East London For more information please contact the ICGeS Chair Dr Hamid Jahankhani University of East London School of Computing and Technology 4-6 University Way London E16 2RD UK e-mail: ecn@uel.ac.uk Tel: +442082232071 Fax: +442082232963 ------- End of forwarded message ------- [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which had a name of -] [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which had a name of -] _______________________________________________ Mycolleagues mailing list Mycolleagues@grid.lrg.ufsc.br http://grid.lrg.ufsc.br/mailman/listinfo/mycolleagues
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