Update your NYTimes.com Membership
Dear Member, Our records indicate that you have more than one NYTimes.com Subscriber ID. (Most likely, this is due to your registering to NYTimes.com again from different computers, or after a long period of not visiting us.) In order to help us provide you with the best service and to avoid duplication, please visit: http://www.nytimes.com/services/email/selectacct.html (You might be asked to sign in with your Subscriber ID and password. If you have forgotten your password, please visit http://www.nytimes.com/forgot for help.) Once you are on this page -- http://www.nytimes.com/services/email/selectacct.html -- you will see a list of Subscriber IDs currently registered to your e-mail address. Simply select the one you want to keep. The other IDs will then be cancelled from our system. If you prefer, you can ignore this message and after two weeks we will cancel the additional IDs and keep active the Subscriber ID you were using most recently. Thank you for your continued interest in NYTimes.com. Sincerely, The New York Times on the Web ------------------------------ ABOUT THIS E-MAIL This is a one time e-mail. As a member of the BBBOnline Privacy Program and the TRUSTe privacy program, we are committed to protecting your privacy. Please do not reply directly to this e-mail, but contact us at comments@nytimes.com.
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