Terrortorial:Mc Donalds bombed,Reactor hijacked,Intenational bikie terror alert.

The latest in a series of bombings in China has killed one person and injured 30. The explosion ripped through a McDonald's outlet in the western city of Xi'an at the weekend. The blast, timed for the evening meal rush-hour at 6.30pm, has been blamed on "international terrorism". The story of Mark and Jacqueline Hinchcliffe is so dark, so bleak, and at times so vile, as to be almost unimaginable. What's extraordinary is that we know it from their own mouths, because in the months leading up to the killing of Wright, Perth detectives were legally intercepting calls on Mark Hinchcliffe's mobile phone. http://smh.com.au/news/0112/17/national/national2.html International terrorists have just stormed a nuclear reactor in breaking news out of sydney au today.Full report on this and mass civil disobedience/sabotage in au to follow.Also a massive black economy is developing in OZ,similar to UK's.
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