re: Stranger than anything Rand ever imagined
And there are the restrictions on what _crops_ a person may grow, even if never sells a single bushel, even a single peanut, on the alleged grounds that his act of growing a crop will affect what he and his family buy...and thus this affects the local Safeway store's business! Call it the "Suppression of Competition and Protection of Special Interests Ruling." (The usual sources, like Findlaw, have scads of references. This one is "Wickard v. Filburn.")
(So, does this "open the door" for regulations on books which urge
At 10:54 AM 8/5/2001 -0700, Tim May wrote: people to travel to New York instead of Iowa, on the grounds that these kinds of books "influence interstate commerce"? The mind boggles at what lawyers have done to these united states. Time to fire up the ovens and send them to the showers.) Si. The hour to create a case of the test we can eliminate policia then legisladores when they show for above. Free, secure Web-based email, now OpenPGP compliant -
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Dr. Evil