----- Forwarded message from John Young <jya@pipeline.com> ----- From: John Young <jya@pipeline.com> Subject: Cypherpunk Ban Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:20:17 -0800 NOV 02 2001 United States District Court for the Western District of Washington Report on Offender Under Supervision Name of Offender: Carl Edward Johnson Case Number: CR98-05393 "I don't care what they charge me with, as wrong as they squeal my gnome write." ~ ? the Platypus Special Conditions Imposed [x] Other: No new credit; all employment shall be subject to approval by the Probation Officer; shall not use the Internet or a modem without the permission of his Probation Officer and shall provide his Probation Officer with the name and the Internet address of his Internet account use; shall not possess or use any computer encryption software or programs, retailers [sic], or anonymizers. However, the lack of a Unix/Xenix restriction means that I am
NONCOMPLIANCE SUMMARY The probation officer believes that Carl Edward Johnson has violated conditions of supervision by: Violation Number Nature of Noncompliance 1. Failing to report the names and addresses of two Internet service providers, in violation of a special condition of supervision. 2. Using the Internet to access the "Cypherpunk" website after being specifically instructed not to use the Internet for this purpose, in violation of standard condition number 3. U.S. Probation Officer Action;
On October 18, 2001, this officer received intelligence information which indicated Mr. Johnson was accessing the Internet using two Internet accounts which had not been provided to this officer. They certainly were provided to the probation officer...by the LEAs who are easily able to monitor my InterNet activities by virtue of my use of my REAL SocialSecurityAdministration Issued NAME in connection with the accounts. OfCourseOfCourse[TM], I suppose that, technically, my Release Conditions require that I personally inform my PO immediately upon acquisition of any new accounts, but realistically, since the Torture and Abuse that I have suffered at the hands of the Federal Government have left me in such a debilitated Medical Condition that even remembering to feed myself and wipe my ass are major projects, it would seem that the same results are already being attained by my using accounts which are easily identified by
Mr.Johnson was using these accounts to insert himself back into a "Cypherpunk" web site he had been accessing during the instant offense. Technically wrong, but spiritually correct. During the probation intake with Mr. Johnson on August 20, 2001, he was instructed to use the Internet for the purpose of researching his medical condition and legal matters only, He was specifically instructed not to access the Cypherpunk website. Uhhh....sez who? My memory suggests that I specifically pointed out that much of
Of particular concern was the content of Mr. Johnson's e-mails, which contained derogatory comments about federal officials. True, but to make ComplimentaryComments would have involved *lying*... Besides, the derogatory comments were in basically the same form
On October 22, 2001, this officer, along with the investigating agent in this matter, conducted an unannounced home visit at Mr. Johnson's residence. Mr. Johnson was asked if he had provided this officer with all Internet accounts he was currently using, to which he stated he had two new accounts he forgot to report to this officer. He accurately provided the account addresses and stated he would not forget in the future. Not exactly true. I vaguely remembered having gotten a HotMail email account and provided several approximations of what I
Operation soft drill seeks pledges to be pooled and paid for the closest prediction of the permanent retirement of anyone associated with or having dealings with fort detrick maryland.(my 0.02c) On this day...1936 -- USSR: In Moscow, Pravda announces that in Catalonia (Spain), the "cleaning" out of Trotskyites & the anarcho-syndicalists has already started. Stalin's agents will carry out these purges: "As for Catalonia, the purging of Trotskyist & anarcho-syndicalist elements has begun; this work will be carried out with the same energy with which it was done in the USSR." I find that if I go off my meds and remove tinfoil turban Im able to get a good fix on pugsley... Subject: !!! HotMail Lifts CypherPunk Ban !!! [ WAS!WAS: Prologue to Chronicles of Arnold 0000 0000 0010 ] [EditWhore's Write Note: As per usual, the 'Subject:' header has little or nothing to do with the actual contents of this missive, but it should be noted that a HotMail Baron 2B Flamed Later is unimpressed by efforts of the Fe(de)ral GooberMint to slam an ElectroMagnetic Curtain down around the Author, and continues to supply HimOrHerOrIt with CopiousQuantities of Terroroist {<--A Clue, !A Typo) Literature advising HimOrHerOrIt how to Disguise HimOrHerOrItSelf through the use of a Myriad of Breast&OR&Penis EnlargeMent&OR&EnGorgeMent Techniques...] [t. Author's Left gNut: It appears that my 'Probation' is subject to the same conditions as my NonExistent AllegedInary Trial--namely, that I be the last person to know in regard to any developments therein. I appreciate John Young and Declan McCullagh making an effort to distribute copies of what is apparently a Probation Report on me to a great enough extent that even TheLastPersonInTheWorldOnTheDistrubutionChain (Me, eh?) has an opportunity to peruse it.] ----- Original Message ----- From: "Declan McCullagh" <declan@well.com> To: <politech@politechbot.com> Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 7:58 PM Subject: Cypherpunk visited for making "derogatory" remarks about Feds permitted to possess Demons, and vice-versa. the very same LEAs that my PO would be reporting my use to, anyway. the evidence in my case resided on CypherPunks archives which I would need to access. Beyond that, I don't recall being specifically told not to post to the list, although I vaguely recall suggesting that I didn't forsee doing so, except in regard to my legal matters. DISCLAIMER: OfCourseOfCourse[TM], since *I* am the one who requires CopiousQuantities [WordOfTheDay: EveryBody SCREAM!!!] of medications in order to remember to wipe my ass, I would hardly be so bold as to suggest that I was *not* told to totally refrain from posting to the CPUNX Disturbed Male LISP... that they will take in my 2255 Motion to the Court, where the truth is, I understand, required by law. thought the account might be named, at which point the SSAgent provided *me* with the name of the account, which was lamer11@hotmail.com. (Indicating that the LEAs are, in fact, better qualified to provide my PO with my account information than I, myself, am...)
Mr. Johnson was questioned in regard to his recent postings to the Cypherpunk website after being instructed by this officer not to use the Internet for this purpose. Mr. Johnson became highly agitated at this point, yelling obscenities and banging his fists on the table. After he calmed down, however, Mr. Johnson stated he misunderstood and did not realize he was restricted from going into this site. He further explained that his messages, in regard to federal officials, were simply commentaries to other people's messages. Mr. Johnson was reprimanded for the inappropriate nature of his e-mail messages and again specifically directed not to access the Cypherpunk website or make any postings to that site. Oops... Yeah, I think that is KindaSorta right. As a matter of fact, I recall asking for something from Probation in writing informing me of any restrictions on my InterNet activities, but I never got one--not even a copy of the enclosed 'Probation Report' that everyone else in the world has seemed to have already read. However, as a result of John Young and Declan McCullagh's diligence in getting this important information to me, I have just deleted the CPUNX Disturbed Male LISPs from my email address book, and can now add a print out of the 'Probation Report' to my list of things to carry with me and periodically read in an effort to remind myself of the current status of my restrictions on freedom. It is noted that a thorough inspection of Mr. Johnson's residence was conducted during this home visit which did not yield anything unusual. If it was a thourough inspection, then why was the MountainOfTrash in my room left undisturbed? (I was hoping THEY [TM] would bag it and take it away as evidence, but no such luck...) The Probation Office is giving Mr. Johnson the benefit of the doubt when he says he misunderstood this officer's instructions. We will continue to monitor him closely, and are recommending that no further action be taken at this time. Should Mr. Johnson's noncompliant behavior continue, the Court will be immediately notified and further sanctions will be requested. TRANSLATION: After three years of UnConstitutional Denial of Proper Medical Care, and SubsequentSubjection to Criminal Torture&OR&Abuse for exhibiting symptoms of my untreated Medical DisAbilities, it should come as no surprise to anyone that, absent clear written instructions as to the limits and restrictions on my InterNet activities and 'Acceptable Content' regarding my communications, it is unreasonable to expect me to fulfill sometimes vague and confusing verbal requests or demands.
Respectfuly submitted, Lornie G. Vanous Senior U.S. Probation Officer Lonnie Vanous has, in fact, been very helpful in aiding me in getting access to medical care and proper medication, for which I am truly appreciative. [gNutly gNote From The World's Lamest Conspiracy Theorist: This, however, may actually be a Clever Ruse to speed my medical recovery to a point where it will be possible for the Federal Government to ReHang me without it appearing that THEY[TM] are Punishing me for being Medically UnFit--due to THEIR[TM] Torture and Abuse--to meet my Court imposed Release Conditions.]
William S. Corn Chief U. S. Probation Officer Catherine E. Sandstrom Supervising U.S. Probation Officer True and correct copies of the attached were mailed by the clerk to the following: Robert Louis Jacob London, Esq. Floyd G Short, Esq. USPO - Tacoma Judge Bryan This is a list of people who need to be kept updated on information needed to SendMySorryAssBackToTheSlammer. OfCourseOfCourse [TM], this information was witheld from the person most concerned with actually meeting the terms of my release, and *not* being ThrownBackInTheSlammer. (That's *me*, eh?)
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