Forwarded message:
From: "Mike Tindall" <jackstrw@deeptht>
Header deleted, Just thought y'all might find this interesting...
Hello all,
As many members of this group make use of the anon server, I suspect this may be of interest. I sent two test messages to a friend to test the anonymous server (as it is my first time using it in this manner)
From: MX%"" To: STORA CC: Subj: Re: none
Return-Path: <> Received: from by (MX V3.3 VAX) with SMTP; Wed, 29 Jun 1994 23:24:51 EDT Received: by (5.67/1.35) id AA15321; Thu, 30 Jun 94 05:34:54 +0300 Message-ID: <> To: From: X-Anonymously-To: an42743 Organization: Anonymous contact service Reply-To: Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 02:34:49 UTC References: <> Subject: Re: none
MAIL> #54 29-JUN-1994 23:32:19.59 MAIL I am a pro-privacy political sabatour within the NSA. I am warning all new users of anonymous mailers about NSA traffic watching. We listen to all messages passing through certain intermediate nodes and compare them with messsages leaving anonymous services. We are able to trace 70% of all messages. I suggest that you be careful and not send any illegal material via anonymous mailers. You endanger both yourself and the recipient.
The following mail was traced back to you:
mx%"" mx%""
------------------------------------------------------------------------- To find out more about the anon service, send mail to Due to the double-blind, any mail replies to this message will be anonymized, and an anonymous id will be allocated automatically. You have been warned. Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to
Mike -- PGP PUBLIC KEY via finger! JAFEFFM Speaking & Thinking For Myself!
* email <> * *** O U T L A W S On The E L E C T R O N I C F R O N T I E R **** ***** Committed to Free Public Internet Access for World Peace ***** "When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl!" JPB -- Stanton McCandlish * * Electronic Frontier Found. OnlineActivist F O R M O R E I N F O, E - M A I L T O: I N F O @ E F F . O R G O P E N P L A T F O R M O N L I N E R I G H T S V I R T U A L C U L T U R E C R Y P T O
participants (1)
Jeff Davis