Zundel's Mouth Declared Weapon of Mass Destruction
The tale of Holocaust commentator Ernst Zundel has taken another strange turn. As you may know, Zundel is seeking political asylum in Canada, after being run out of the US at gunpoint over an expired visitor's visa, at the behest of Israeli sympathizers in the US state department. Now his asylum hearing has been quashed by the Canadian government serving his with a document declaring him a "national security risk." The certificate suspends his application for asylum, and permits him to be deported after a secret hearing at the Federal Court. The apparent goal of all of this is to deport Zundel to Germany, where he may be charged under that nation's anti-free speech laws with saying things that offend Jews. Immigration Minister Denis Coderre said that Zundel was an individual whose presence promotes violence. It would seem to me that if Jews commit violence because they do not like Mr. Zundel's comments, then the solution would be to arrest the Jewish lawbreakers, as opposed to declaring Mr. Zundel a national security threat. No doubt I'll get death threats for articulating that opinion. http://www.globeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/TPStory/LAC/20030503/UZUNDN/ Speaking of death threats, that's exactly what the Santa Rosa Junior College's student newspaper, the "Oak Leaf" got after publishing a little essay by Mark McGuire titled "Is anti-Semitism ever the result of Jewish behavior?" http://www.pressdemocrat.com/local/news/02srjc_a1.html The newspaper had to close its offices, and board up its mail slot, amid violent graphic death threats against the 19 year old student newspaper editor, who has now been offered a police escort on campus. Making death threats is supposed to be against the law, but again, different rules apparently apply if you're a protected class. -- Eric Michael Cordian 0+ O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"
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Eric Cordian