CDR: HST on needing killing

Well, we talked for a while, and by that time Hoppe knew it was a joke. I said, "Have times changed? Ive threatened to drag people around Washington by their nuts behind Oldsmobiles at a hundred miles an hour. Ive advocated the slaughter of all politicians. What are the guidelines now?" He had a pretty good sense of humor. He said, "Well, you cant say that he should be strung up. If you say that to people, WHAP! Ten years. You can say he should be tarred and feathered." And I said, "Wait a minute. I dont grasp it. Whats the difference?" And Hoppe says, "I dont know. Thats the way it is. Dont go out any more and threaten to string George Bush up or stomp him to death." Q: Now, to what level of public figure does this extend? Take somebody I really hate, like Meese. Meese is not an elected official. Can I say that somebody should slice Meese open and wrap his intestines around a phone booth? A: No, you probably cant. He should be flogged -- just not to death. Q: What if we said Meese should be fucked by an elk? A: Thats apparantly harmless as hell. I believe that Ed Meese -- being a person without any honor, a fat bastard, really a congenital cheap pig in the style of and on the level of Richard Nixon -- should be locked in a large concrete basement with an elk. And the elk should be ram-fed full of acid before hes put in there.
participants (1)